D minus 132


To someone who has never been to Disney his whole life, this week was pretty amazing. Though no one congratulated me for my first visit button, this was the first of many visits into Disney parks. I was able to network with people from different work locations through learning seminars and build stronger friendships through experiencing the first visit to Disney with each other. This trip was also significant because it was the first and last time I was able to ride the Great Hollywood Movie Ride before it is revamped to a Micky themed roller coaster. It made me appreciate the ride that much more and come to terms with the coming and going of people I will meet throughout this college program because they say three out of ten Cps will not finish the program.

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2 Responses to D minus 132

  1. Sade O says:

    Whoa Jason, I can relate to this being your first Disney experience I am also a newbie. I am glad that you are enjoying your time here, you always look so happy in your pictures. I was unaware of the statistic in your post ” three out of ten Cps will not finish the program. That is a large number. Being in the College program is not for the faint of heart, there is a lot riding on this experience. So many people leave their families and better paying jobs for a shot at one of the most sought after internships in the world. For me quitting is never an option and I am glad that you are pushing through as well. After all, we came here to represent City Tech and we must do them proud!

  2. Cindy Lora says:

    My first day at the park I felt the same way, I had never been to Disney either and I was amazed with everything I saw. We definitely see the park with different eyes when we are there as guests! I still need to get a first time visit button to visit Animal Kingdom.

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