Who would ever imagine there is another magical place on earth besides Disney! Give Kids the World is that other place on earth where these kids can make their dreams come true. Also people that come to volunteer to work here like myself get to make their dreams come true! I always wanted to come to see this beautiful place built for a super humanitarian cause. Definitely being here you can feel the energy, love, and excitement these kids are feeling just for being here. I can not wait to come back and volunteer again to contribute to make magic even outside of Disney.

Give Kids the World!

About Joe

Currently I am a Hospitality ambassador who believes that the new generation (including myself), are the future leaders of the Hospitality and tourism world. I have contributed to the successful service the Walt Disney world Resort Company deliver to the Hospitality world. An active volunteer to Give Kids the World, a non-profit organization where we help to bring the magic of the community to life for the families of kids that have life-threatening illnesses.
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