Counting Down Days.

It is 30 days till I go back to NY! Oh, how I miss everything! I think the hardest thing will be, for myself, is to leave my new great friends behind but mostly because I just got so used to everything here. The parks, the climate, the food, it will be hard.
Remembering my days at this program will be sad but I know that it brought some great things and people into my life. I truly am grateful for all that has happened throughout this program and I would not want to change it for anything.
They say that if you can do the Disney program, you can do anything! I can tell you that it is very true; it is a tough program to fulfill. From the hours, to the place, to the people at work, to the guest and people you liv with; you truly learn a lot. And most of it is about yourself and who you are and what you are capable of.

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