Read & React #4: Keeping up With The Magic


Customer service is very important to the success of any company. In Walt Disney World, the success is achieved by providing magic. The magic is provided to the guests and the cast members as well. Depending on your role and your unique personality, the magic is provided differently. However, the magic is created 24/7, and it has been that way since the beginning of the company. Being a part of the program for quite a while now has given me an interesting background on the brains of Disney. I have been able to learn why so many cast members stay with the company for so long and how they continuously make magic. Also, I have learned what Disney does well as a company for their cast members, in order to keep the magic going. After reading the article, Why Do Employees Stay? A Qualitative Exploration of Employee Tenure; I have related the reading to the success of Disney cast member retention.

When I am at work, I like to keep the magic alive. As a housekeeper, sometimes it gets tricky because we have minimal guest contact. We make magic behind the scenes. By providing a fresh and clean place for the guests to return to, that is already an intangible form of magic. It is also a good feeling when you see the guest react as they see their cleaned rooms. We are aware that for many, being in Disney is an experience they only have once, so we as cast members are in charge of making it memorable. There is no telling what a guest will remember best about their stay but is the passion for creating that memory last forever that keeps my magic going.

Cast members are motivated by the company in multiple ways. They are motivated by the opportunities of growth. They are also motivated by the great benefits they get from the company. Benefits such as good insurance paid time off, and even free admission to all the parks. They also get to bring their families into the park for free. The cast members here at Disney are also motivated by their leaders. The leaders do a wonderful job at developing their cast members.

In the article Why Do Employees Stay? A Qualitative Exploration of Employee Tenure; it mentions why employee retention is important. It also mentions that retention of good employees is a valuable part of the success of a company. In the case of Disney, it is very true. I have observed that many guests come back to see a cast member again. That’s how much impact the magic a cast member makes can cause. Therefore it is important for Disney to maintain the magic for that cast member as well. Disney also retains their cast members by offering realistic job descriptions. I also agree with the article in regards to this matter. If a realistic job description is offered, to begin with, then there wouldn’t be any hidden surprises in the long run.

The magic of Disney is always kept alive. It is kept alive for both the guests and the cast members. Keeping your employees motivated for a long time can be complicated. Disney does a wonderful job at doing so with their cast members. Many of the points I took away from the article Why Employees Stay? I can connect to Disney. I have now learned the importance of employee retention and what it takes to retain them. I have also learned that employee retention is a big chunk of a company’s success.



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