Keeping the Magic alive.

Keeping the magic for each guest is a top priority of Disney’s. Everything should be “perfect”. Each question and move is needed to be anticipated because as we learned from day one: we have to be prepared for the most. I work cash, that is my only job. I get a lot of the same questions, I also must ask each guest the same questions when they move up “Hello, how are you all? Are you on the dining plan?” I get annoyed with doing the same job each and everyday and asking the guests the same exact questions: even the guests get tired of hearing the same questions.

What keeps it all different are the people. If you come to work and start doing your job while you are sulking, you would hate it and it would be a horrible experience to you but what is worse, the guest has a horrible stay.

What makes Disney so different is that when you work for a certain location, they understand their cast members: for example when someone has a certain idea they would take it in. It is great to work at a location that would take ideas from their cast members. It makes people feel like they are a part of something true.

In this article, Self and Dewald speak about Employee Retention and one thing that happens in my location: Disney’s Pop Century, most of the CP’s started last summer and extended or ended up working  at the location. This shows that they loved working here so much, that they ended up staying: this is a true explain of keeping the magic alive.

Lastly, the best thing that can happen is when the job description is not what you expect but when you get there the people are what makes it so great. That is the best magic! When you work with great people and want to head to work instead of it draining you out. It makes the magic come out from all of us and the guests can feel it too.

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