Read and React #4

Working at Disney World has been a great experience, but it is a little frustrating sometimes. You work every day with thousand of guests from different part of the world with different culture. Sometimes customers can be unsatisfied and you have to know exactly what to do to make their experience better. I love working at Soarin’ and I made great connections with some of my co-workers. I always ask them why they love working for Disney. Most of them said because of the benefits that the company offers. Some of my colleagues are retired employees from different companies who have decided to come back to work for Disney.

One of the ways Disney uses to keep the employees satisfied is the appreciation day that they do during the year. One of my managers told me about it and he said that is one the best things that Disney does. My coordinators are always trying to motivate us by celebrating special days with us. For example, on Valentine’s Days, they decorated our break room and handle out bags of candies to all cast members.

According to the article “Why Do Employees Stay? A Qualitative Exploration of Employee Tenure” written by John T. Self and Ben Dewald, states a couple of factors that affects why employees stay at the company for a long time. One of the factors is the financial need and friends at work. Most employees enjoy coming to work because of their friends. The author explains, “They expressed that it was their experience that applicants who did not have a financial need to work, often did not stay because they did not feel any real obligation or real need.” Some cast members feel more motivated by their friends at work than anything else. They like to come to work because they know they will spend some quality time with their best friends.

In conclusion, working for Disney might be like any other big company, it has their pros and cons and you have to decide what is better for you. I enjoy working for Disney but at the same time, I know I will get better opportunities financially outside Disney.

About Juliana Farnesi

Im a Public Relation who decided to go back to school to get my second BA in Hospitality Management. I love to travel and explore the world.
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