Read and React #3

One of the most important things at any work location is networking. Networking will provide you great connections for any current or future opportunities. Working at Walt Disney Work for over a month made me realize how important networking is. If you have a desire to keep working for the company after you program is over, you better start networking now and make new connections, because your chances of been hired as a part time/full time will be high.

In the article “Mistakes to Avoid by Newly Promoted Managers” by Hcareers, it will help you how to prepare to be a successful manager. One of the points that the author states are how important is to expand your network and to “reach out to potential mentors who are at a variety of different points in their managerial careers”. They will help you out to be a successful leader.

At my class of Disney is Organizational Leadership my professor asked us to interview one of my leaders. I interviewed Ryan Geno last week and I was able to learn a lot of him. Ryan has been with the company for a long time. He did two college programs and after that, he became a coordinator first and then a manager. He has been working at Future World West and Innovations Team since 2012 and so far he has been a great leader. He explained to me that one of the characteristics of a good leader is to always treat others the way you would like to be treated and always be yourself. When he became a leader he made great connections with his team and tried to become a great leader with everything he learned from each of them.

In conclusion, I haven’t had a chance to network a lot at my location because I am still learning a little bit more about which one of my leaders. I want to keep working for the company in the future and hopefully be a leader or work at the Guest Relations, so I know this is the time to make new connections and start learning with them everything that I need to.

About Juliana Farnesi

Im a Public Relation who decided to go back to school to get my second BA in Hospitality Management. I love to travel and explore the world.
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1 Response to Read and React #3

  1. Joe says:

    I completely agree with you, networking is most important thing in a workplace. And when we network, we also get to kwon more about the company and the people that we work with.

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