Traditions & Earning my EARS.

“The first official week of work and being away from home was very different. Traditions opened my eyes and made me cry; yes made me cry! While I was sitting with a friend of mine, the videos of Disney, Walt Disney, and our locations were playing. I got so emotional with the videos as well as the stories that it was the feeling of “WOW I actually work at Disney. This is a dream come true.” Of course I knew it was real before but because of the Magic Kingdom tour, our Mickey ears, blue cards and name tags was something “legit” and made it feel more real. FINALLY, after traditions me and my friends got to explore Disney: and it is FREE!! WE HAD A BLAST! That week was my first training day and when I got there it was the lessons on the four keys of Disney. What I knew before, about the four keys, was once the eleven keys and they narrowed it down to just four. Nevertheless, I received a phone call from my main trainer that day saying I start work the next day. Next day I went to my training, got my costume and got to work with one of the many trainers I will have for the next couple of week and I automatically love it! The people are great, they are so happy and helpful and they will answer to whomever. That day I got to meet my leader, Taylor, I have yet to have a meeting with her but I am already excited about working there. Friday, this was my first day of actual “labor”. I was put in the GRILL to work and WOW did time just fly!! I have never seen so many guests! Yet alone, girls. My work hours went by so fast because of the hectic and fast paced job I was doing. My hours this week are very hectic and I am pretty scared about that,55 hours just in a week, even though I have Thursday off it is one of the days I have class which is ‪from 1:30 till 5:30‬ and I work ‪until 1:30‬ the night before. I hope and pray that I get through this week and my training days because it looks like I will be done with training next week! So wish me luck!”

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5 Responses to Traditions & Earning my EARS.

  1. Good luck Alex! I am sure you will do a great job.

  2. Joe says:

    Great job writing this! As I read your read and react it just make me go back to that day because it was exactly what happen to me and in my tradition. Its a very emotional and exciting day which we will always remember. When I got that ID I felt like I had the key of the Castle, all I was thinking about was to go to the parks and explore!

  3. Qing B. Lin says:

    You sound super excited and sounds like you really are having a BLAST. I’m sure you can overcome any obstacles.

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