Read and React 1

After reading “Create company loyalty with new-hire practices” by Tasha Freidlein, there were some of the same steps taking into consideration between Disney and the article.  Tasha explains how in her company they take training very seriously and they start training off by speaking to their new employees and showing them videos just like it was done for us the new cast members in Disney.

When we first got to Disney were had traditions where they spoke to us about the procedures taken in Disney. How “Safe D” is very important and it begins with us. During our first days at traditions I noticed that safety is definitely Disney’s concern.They take all of the correct steps in order to keep they guests and cast members safe.

They also spoke to us about their four keys which are very important also. The four keys being; safety, courtesy, show, and efficiency. Safety being able to preform all job duties in a safe way without harming oneself, any other cast members or any guest. Courtesy to be a positive image to everyone around you also to be respectful in the ways you speak to your fellow coworkers or guests. Last but not least show, to be ready to work and on time always ready to make all of the guests feel like they are in a fairytail.

Some of the things spoken about in this article that I wish Disney took into consideration was the way they allowed their employees to stay at the resort in order to see it from another perspective and see what the guests really want and expect from the employees. I also liked how the hotel had an anonymous hotline where they could speak to leaders about anything that happened or they saw was wrong at the workplace, that would be very helpful at Sunset Ranch Market.

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1 Response to Read and React 1

  1. Sade O says:

    Disney’s practices and the article do have similar practices. I completely agree with you that it would be nice if you were allowed a stay at the resort so that you fully understand a guest experience. I also agree that an anonymous hotline would be ideal seeing as some leaders and staff display behaviors that are less than desirable. I work at Caribbean Beach Resort at a buffet. Do you know that none of the cast members get to try the food. The only way to try it is to come in on your day off and pay full price. To me this is an outrage! guest constantly ask our opinion on the food,even simple questions like is it spicy and we have to lie or guess. Maybe my location could benefit from Tasha’s system.

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