D minus 139


After ten long days of on the job training, this was the carrot at the end of my stick. I was able to remove the indication under my name tag which read “earning my ears” with confidence and munch on the delicious culinary plates that the restaurant had to offer. Though some are sampler dishes instead of the full meal, I was in no position to complain with the food jumping into my mouth. It was then and there I vowed to come back on my own time to enjoy the full menu when I made enough money. After all, the California Grill is a signature dining restaurant on the 15th floor of the Contemporary hotel with over 200 varieties of Wine!

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1 Response to D minus 139

  1. Sade O says:

    200 varieties of a wine! that is incredible. I learned so much in my wine course last semester and look forward to testing my expertise. It is nice to see you enjoying some new foods; samplers or not they look amazing. I have heard so many amazing stories about the Contemporary and California Grill. Congratulations on landing such a superb location. I am sure that our Dining Room Operations course has prepared you well for the realm of fine dining.

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