WRJ #8: Cross Training

Having multiple perspectives within a department is important in any industry. Today I was cross trained in Amenities for the housekeeping department. The amenities person is in charge of delivering supplies that guest’s request, to their rooms. They also need to keep the linen rooms in each building stocked with enough supplies. I was excited to see where all the supplies are kept for all the Disney resorts. When I went to the warehouse to get the supplies we needed, it was like shopping at BJ`s. we grabbed a trolley and began to take what we needed off the shelves. The way the warehouse is organized and set-up are wonderful. I can see why Disney is so efficient and makes their experience so seamless. The amenities role is not as stressful as the housekeeping role; however, there is still a lot of work that needs to be completed. During the day we had some down time and we helped the housekeepers strip the rooms and take out the trash. Overall, I liked my training as amenities and now I’m looking forward to my training as a house person.

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