Keeping the Magic

A company like Walt Disney World Resort is not just a company, it is a community, It is a culture. This community is hold on a culture of magic, where everything is real and we believe it. Some people might wonder how does the Cast Member keep that magic and as a whole, how does WSW keep that magic?
Working for the Walt Disney World Resorts company has been magical for me. Working for them I have learn what is it to be working with magic. You might ask yourself, but what is magic for Disney? Magic is happiness, magic is working with integrity and passion. Keeping the magic is the challenging part, if you do not have that passion for Disney and their culture, you might not be in the right place. Courtesy is also part of magic, as a Cast Member, you should always be courteous not only with your guests but with the coworkers. It is easy to keep that magic alive, everybody that comes to Disney is happy, just with a simple smile and helping them to get what they want as long you follow the rule, you are keeping that magic going.
As I have been working with so many Cast Members, one of the question that come along in our conversation is “how long have you been working for Disney?” impressively, I have been working with people whom has been working for Disney for 10,16,25,30, and even 36 years. That’s a whole life of commitment with Disney. But why do they do it? How can they be working for WDW for all these years? This is what they says:
According to the article “why Do Employees Stay? A Qualitative Exploration of Employee Tenure” keeping the Turnover Rate is very important but challenging. Employees usually leave companies for a better offer like more money, insurance, better hours. So my seniors coworkers say in other words that when you work for Disney, you automatically get insurance. Another great advantage is that you can get cross trained to other areas within the company if you would like to. And when we talk about promotions, Disney is always promoting and offering new positions to employees. Also, something I have experienced is the excitementDisney keeps in the community (workplace) by always coming out with new attractions, movies, events, and parks. All that is what makes Disney keeps the Magic with its Cast Members. Also it is pretty clear that all these Cast Member that have been working for such a long time love Disney to a point that do not care about others job offers outside of Disney.
Working for Disney also give syou the opportunity to have another job, which a lot of Cast Members have. Disney let you have another job and permit you to have a set schedule so you can make extra money on the other side. I asked one of my coworker that has been working at Disney for a decade, what make you stay here? Chealsey said “this is my happy place, I feel happy and secure here.” Clearly Cast Members here love being here and the culture.
Last, As I work here I can see how magic is involved in everything you do, how the other Cast Members love Disney and why they are here. Working here gives me that knowledge of what Safety is for an organization and how its apply to everything. The Turnover rate is clearly hard to maintain for Disney but they do their best by promoting, giving insurance to all the Cast Members and also by being Flexible with the schedule.


About Joe

Currently I am a Hospitality ambassador who believes that the new generation (including myself), are the future leaders of the Hospitality and tourism world. I have contributed to the successful service the Walt Disney world Resort Company deliver to the Hospitality world. An active volunteer to Give Kids the World, a non-profit organization where we help to bring the magic of the community to life for the families of kids that have life-threatening illnesses.
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