Hi, my name is Jack Hon. As a freshman in City Tech, I don’t feel like it. It’s not because I still feel like a high school student, its because I took a remedial class here for the summer. I basically know how to go to my classes in the Namn Building and the Midway Building. I already made a group of friends from my remedial class. We did our own study groups and have lunch together. I am usually shy as first, but really social after a few days. I am also part of the SEEK program in City Tech. They gave me a huge welcome to the college and I get to receive more benefits than regular students. Its includes tutoring for many subjects. Which I think I would need for my English course.
I don’t like writing. Essays and DBQ is not my strong suit. My weakness as a writer is when it comes to editing. My grammar needs work, I admitted. I also bad at getting started and knowing when to conclude. I mostly conclude too early leaving out many information that I could still put in. Lets put things in a positive direction, one of my hobby is creative writing. It’s the only writing I love to do. I had written three shorts stories and one play so far. I want to become an author or a playwright one day. I however choose to major in Human Services just because I don’t want to put all my eggs in one basket. I do want to become a social worker too or a case manager and work with kids.
When I comes to writing my short stories, I enjoy when I develop my characters. It usually doesn’t represent me, I try to develop them to be who I want to become or who I don’t want to become. If only writing a essay is as fun as writing a story. One thing I dislike is giving making the theme to the stories. It really hard for me to make my themes clearer so who ever is reading will understand it.
A lot if things makes me happy. Little things like watching T.V shows to getting an A on a test. I believe that a person can be happy as long as they stay positive. Even during the summer, taking a non-credit class in college. It not something to be happy about, but I stayed positive and made friends and get to know the college a little better. I was happy that I took it and not wait till the fall semester. I also got used to the amount of classwork and homework given out in college during the summer.
In this Eglish Comp course I hope to read more and maybe inspire me to write more in the future. I hope to be positive in this course and be happy and not stress out along the way like most other college student is.
Hope for a wonderful college life!