The Best Things I’ve Ate This Summer So Far

I think you already know by now that I always look forward to the summer because it’s the time of the year where I have more flexibility, have more time to go out and enjoy food with my family, boyfriend, and friends, and an opportunity to try restaurants and places on my list.

Since summer is half over, I’d like to share with you some of the tasty drinks and dishes that I’ve experienced and enjoy during the summer so far:


This Lobster Bisque from Island Creek Oyster Bar in Boston, MA is lobster heaven! It’s by far the BEST lobster bisque I have had! It’s bright, warm, and inviting and has rich lobster flavors and juices.

baked crumb topping

During my Memorial Day weekend trip to Boston, I also visited Quincy Market and this one spot called Boston Chowda Co. I saw that they had Maine Lobster Pie which was filled with their Rockport lobster bisque and topped with their seasoned Ritz Cracker crumbs. The pie was absolutely wonderful and delicious! It was extremely creamy and the lobster meat was full of flavor! Who would have thought a savory pie could taste so amazing?

fruit floating on top of a clear, carbonated drink in a glass

I am a sangria lover! Last month, my boyfriend and I went to our friend’s birthday dinner which was at a Portuguese restaurant and they had White Sangria, so of course I had to have it. It was actually very light and refreshing, but didn’t have strong aromas like a red sangria does.

a pink smoothie

Since my internship is close to 42nd street in the city, I’ve been making a lot of visits to Jamba Juice for their freshly made smoothies. My favorite one so far is the Gotta Guava smoothie which contains guava juice blend, frozen peaches and strawberries, and sherbet with pineapple ice. It is super refreshing especially on a hot day and full of tropical goodness!

prosciutto on toast

I came to Piccoli Trattoria with my boyfriend and friends for a double date dinner and an item we ordered that I found absolutely divine was the Proscuitto E Peccorino which is fig jam, Proscuitto de Parma, and Gorgonzola cheese on a toasted rustic bread. It’s super tasty with a mix of salt and sweetness from the fig jam and Proscuitto. I really enjoyed this appetizer and it’s possibly one of the best ones I’ve had so far.

Korean meat and vegetables in broth

I’ve also visited a new ramen spot in Brooklyn Heights with my boyfriend and two other friends as well. I’ve tried Tonkotsu Ramen in a lot of ramen restaurants, but so far my favorite one is from the new ramen restaurant: Kogane Ramen. I really enjoyed this particular bowl of ramen because it had the right amount of fattiness and pork bone based broth. The noodles were straight and cooked al dente. I took my time eating this ramen so I was able to enjoy and savor every taste and texture in this bowl.

ravioli in sauceMy boyfriend and I celebrated our 5.5 year anniversary at one of my favorite restaurants, one that I’ve spoken previously about on The Buzz: Mussels & More.  One dish that we tried was the Lobster Ravioli which I absolutely enjoyed! They were quite big and they were truly delicious and the sauce went extremely well with the toasted bread that they gave us on the side.

I guess it’s pretty apparent that so far this summer, most of my favorite dishes are seafood and lobster related. I enjoy seafood very much except for oysters and scallop (for personal reasons). I’m excited for the food places I am planning to visit for the rest of this summer and to see what they offer.

What are some dishes or drinks you’ve enjoyed or tried this summer?

Protect Yourself This Spring Break

a nude woman covering herself

I originally wanted to blog about perception, showing how different images, such as the “Mooney Faces,” by Craig Mooney, and how different people will see situations differently. Perception can depend on timing, awareness, and knowledge, among other elements. Since that is common knowledge and most students are partaking in Spring Break, I have decided to blog about protecting oneself in whatever reality you may live in.

the sun shining over foliage

“In the beginning God created the heavens and earth.” And since the beginning there has always been a battle between the Good and Evil. For those who aren’t monotheistic, you still may notice there have always been lies, greed, deceit, betrayal, jealousy, and sometimes war between individuals and groups of people.  Many blame these misbehaviors on a variety of factors. Such factors may include the following: mental illness; neglect as a child; upbringing; selfishness; “bad DNA;” seeking attention; imitating the actions of a idol; and be admired or rewarded for misconduct. People you meet, even some you’ve known for years, can seem to be trustworthy under their corrupt facade.

a statue of Abraham Lincoln

Because there are people in this world that favors wrongdoing, you must protect yourself, especially on vacation. You can do that in many ways. The first way is to gain knowledge and understanding of what ever you decide to do. Whether you are staying near home or going away you females AND males must remain be smart.

people on a sidewalk

Follow these simple Do’s and Don’ts in order to protect yourself


  • Let someone, not with you, know of your location
  • Keep your phone charged and bring your charger
  • Keep a clear mind
  • Know your limit
  • Do self defense is provoked, take self defense classes if you do not know techniques
  • Maintain proper awareness
  • Be responsible
  • Analyze where are you are and think of possible situations
  • Have a backup plan
  • Buy your own food & drinks, keeping a close eye
  • Carry lightly as to not misplace or lose items


  • Don’t Abuse Substances
  • Don’t yearn for drama and to be around unsafe environments
  • Don’t set your cup down then drink from it again
  • Do not fight
  • Do not cause too much attention to yourself
  • Do not be really flashy
  • Don’t provoke someone who already shows aggressive behavior
  • Never depend on someone else for your safety, especially if they are partaking in the same activity as you
  • Don’t panic, instead think quickly on your feet
  • Never sleep in an unfamiliar place
  • Never go to places alone, if you must let someone know where you are going

Take this knowledge into consideration even when you are not on a Vay-Cay. Trust me, the more you know, the safer you are, the better you’ll be.

Dedicated to K-Fashion, for we can be so naive and trustworthy and whenever we get together we sometimes become so engulfed in our own fun that we neglect to keep our awareness.

a baseball cap that says "Reckless"

IMAGE CREDITS: All images provided by Heaven Brown of Heaven Sent Photography

QUESTIONS TO THE AUDIENCE: What do you do to protect yourself? | Have you been in a situation that would have been avoided by following these steps? Describe it if you are comfortable. | Do you keep distance from people who show misconduct? | Do you feel there is a such thing as “bad DNA?” | Why can’t we all get along? | Stay tuned on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z … lol 😉

Seriously, let me know what you think.

The Soda Ban Is Back!

several sizes of Coca Cola

A few months ago, I wrote about the City rejecting a possible Soda Ban by Mayor Bloomberg. The law would have barred restaurants, movie theaters, and food carts, from selling sodas and other sugary beverages, larger than 16 ounces. In March, just one day before it was to take effect, a state judge found the policy to be illegal. But it looks as though Mayor Bloomberg couldn’t leave well enough alone, and has continued his fight to get this bill passed. His attempt to limit the size of sugary drinks in New York City, is set to be reviewed by the state’s highest court, the Court of Appeals. This will be his final chance to salvage a plan, that has twice been rejected by judges, as improper.

What’s the good news for you soda lovers? Well, The Court of Appeals is not planning to take up the case until next year, when Mayor Bloomberg is out of office, leaving the decision to pursue the case up to the next mayor. While Bill de Blasio, the Democratic nominee, has supported this bill in the past, he has now changed his tune, choosing to remain ambiguous. The Republican nominee, Joseph J. Lhota, on the other hand, has said that if elected, he would withdraw the city’s appeal, allowing the proposed regulations to die.

Mr. Bloomberg and the soft drink industry both issued statements, each saying it was confident that it’s side would eventually prevail at the Court of Appeals.

You’d think with all the problems going on in the world, so much focus wouldn’t be on SODA!!!