Academic-Self Discovery: Programs, Clubs and More

“Everything you want is on the other side of fear”- Jack Canfield.

I’ve touched on this subject before but fear is something that can often cause miss opportunities. It might hold one back and make them doubt themselves and/or their goals. When it comes to me, I get really anxious and start talking myself out of things I will want do, however what I have found helps me to combat fear is taking those chances anyway. Some of the ways I do this is by joining and taking part in things that spark my interest, for example writing.

Writing makes me realize that the experience gained when not letting fear get in the way is greater than letting those chances go by. Writing is a great form of expression for me and it is a way of connecting, so finding out about cool events or projects (Literary Arts Festival, Seek Ink and The Buzz) that deal with writing, I knew I had to put myself out tbere. To which I endes up glad that I did because they helped me challenge my craft and encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone.

The possibilities of exhibiting your skills are endless. There are opportunities in schools and online. If one were to prefer starting with something less out there, I would suggest joining clubs or workshops at their school. This works well because it allows the output of creativity as well as learning and sharing from their fellow club members. While if someone is more comfortable with the thought of participating locally, looking online for projects, contests or residencies could be the way to go. There are a myriad of sites that have programs one can apply for. This can be a stepping stone for their career or be something that looks great on their resume.

Here are some sites you can check out-


I think it is important for someone to take a chance and put themselves out there, despite fears and doubts. The outcome will do more to benefit them in the long run.

Academic Self-Discovery: Relatable Characters


The topic of finding out passions and going after dreams not only come into play in the real world but also in art and works of literature. By doing this, it allows the directed audience to see and relate to some of the struggles the characters face, making the characters feel more real as well as getting the intended story or message out there. This has been done in inspirational movies like “Gifted Hands” and “The Pursuit of Happyness” which focuses on the hardships the main characters face and their stories of perseverance to reaching their goals.

Two semesters ago I read a book with a collection of short stories called Drown by Junot Diaz. In this work of literature, the character Yunior struggles with wanting to explore more from the life he is given but does not know exactly what it is he is searching for. He wants to leave his neighborhood and his lifestyle of selling drugs yet has no direction or guidance to show him a way out. The book lets us know that Yunior has an interest in writing and if he chooses to leave his neighborhood to better himself, a career in writing could be what he decides to do. Yunior to me represents the fear of what if something does not work out and the moment before taking a chance. If Yunior decides to pursue a career in what he enjoys, it just might be what gets him out of his situations.

Yunior is a character that is written to feel relatable. Though I do not share the same experiences and hardships as him, I do understand what it’s like to be stuck. I sometimes get stuck in bad habits that hinder my growth in chasing the career that I want. Realizing that I do not wish to stay stuck is what I usually need to get out. It is what I believe Yunior will come to realize one day.

Have you read anything or seen movies/shows that is about characters chasing their dreams? If so, feel free to share. I’d love to check them out.

Academic Self-Discovery: My Story

For some people, knowing exactly what occupation they want to go after is simple. They could even have it figured out from a young age. While for others, deciding what career path to follow is harder to do. Some reasons for this could be that they haven’t found their passion yet, that they feel obligated to do something they are pushed to do do; or that they decide on a job that allows them to make money while still in search of their dream job.

I am one of the latter. Before entering college I honestly had no solid career goal. Growing up I’ve always been pushed by my Caribbean family to go into the medical field because of financial success. Because of this, every time I’ve tried to construct a career goal, I make sure to make it involve something that is in that field. I did a summer program called ‘Upward Bound’ before my freshman year of college and I thought I would go to college to become a Music Therapist. I thought including something with music would fit- to compromise really- right into what I could enjoy doing for the rest of my life because I really love music. A little into my first year the thoughts of being a Music Therapist vanished. It changed to nursing because one thing I was always certain of was my passion to help others in some form. Not quite ready to be committed to nursing I changed my major to Liberal Arts and Science (still keeping nursing on the table but open to other careers in science). It wasn’t until a few months ago at CSTEP, a program here at City Tech that I was asked questions that really made me hone in on just where I could see myself career wise. Questions like “What ways do I see myself helping people?” allowed me to settle on two responses. One was becoming a Physical Therapist and the other a writer.

English has always been my favorite subject. As a child I enjoyed writing stories and throughout highschool I read and even wrote stories online. Writing online meant a lot to me because of the feedback I received from complete strangers that actually liked what I wrote. That was incredible to me because it was the first time I was really putting my craft out there for people to criticize and they in turn gave back positive reinforcement. My last two semesters in English have really brought back my love for writing. In the Fall of 2015 I took Intro to Fiction (2001)- I liked Intro to Fiction because I felt I got better as a writer and thinker due to having to revise my essays until my professor liked it enough. I also liked it because my final paper for that class won first place for the Literary Arts Festival in 2016. After that class I took Expressions of Identity (ENG 2190) and that course made me question and observe my surroundings with new perspective. It made me feel at home as well as growth.

I think the key to finding what career path one wants to follow is trying different things and analyzing if it is something that brings out the passion and curiosity. To me, that is what academic self-discovery is all about; to learn what gets you motivated. It might take some time for some and that is okay. What matters is getting to that point.

5 Steps to Start a Business

Thinking of starting a business or just curious? Maybe you’ll end up using the information to help someone else.

I starting hosting seminars again under my company Vive Entertainment Enterprises Corporation, a service and educational non-profit. I also perform free mentoring through the state: Amoni B NYC. Last Saturday we, my business associates and I, spoke on how to start a business and did a Q/A for those who came or called in.

young women of color sitting at a table

Here are 5 steps to start yours:

  1. Turn Your hobby Into Your Money Stream: whether you have a job or not, you can turn most passions into a business. Perhaps you love to sew, talk or eat. That can turn into being a fashion designer, event host, or food network executive. Maybe not an exec, but a restaurant owner. Either way, take time to ideate on what you can do with your talent or hobby (sometimes you many not be as good as you think but keep motivated and hire others ).
  2. Solve A Problem: You do not need to reinvent the wheel! But make sure there is a market for your business. No one wants to see 5 Salad Bars in a 5 block radius, nor will each one make enough money. Heck, there is competition at the two located in Rockefeller Center. How ever if there is none, there is an opening for what you want to do. Whether you solve your own problem of wanted salad near your home or solving the problem of giving healthy choice options for your neighborhood, you may succeed.
  3. Know When To Be Selfish: This point actually came to me in a dream. I’m always doing for others and sometimes I neglect my needs and wants. If you want to be successful you must be a little selfish. Save your money for your business goals, don’t use what you need to give to your always begging little cousin. Take time out for yourself and try to be too consumed in either direction. Most of all don’t let distractions deter you from the bigger picture.
  4. Training Tuesday Will Land the Deal Monday: No matter what you do, you will need to do research and development. You can’t expect to open a winter accessories cart on the street of Miami if you haven’t looked into the weather. You must plan according to the facts. Ask yourself: What is my target market? What problems will I solve? What and where is my competition? Will I make money, how? What do I have to do before actually starting? Does it make sense? …. You see where I am going with this. Don’t forget to take seminars, ask for help, and shadow people doing what you want to do.
  5. Get Those Documents In Order: It’s simple, based on what you need to do you will need to get incorporated, next  get a tax ID, and after understand the licenses your business needs and apply for them. Maybe it’s just simply stated . If you need help use these free services.


QUESTIONS TO THE AUDIENCE:  Is there anything you looking for help doing? | In need of entertainment services, technical assistance or business help?


Make sure to check out my last post, and stay tuned for my posts every Monday