Are we saying goodbye to remedial classes?

Numerous states and colleges have created programs in recent years to promote graduation and minimize the need for remedial courses.

BCCC has combined non credit developmental classes while adding personal tutorials and online assessments that allow students to work at a pace more comfortable for them. Massachusetts has begun using a student’s high school grade point average instead of standardized tests to determine suitability for remedial classes. Texas State University is allowing students to take remedial and credit courses in the same subject simultaneously to speed up the learning process, and recently CUNY schools have been offering an intense program to rapidly move students out of remedial classes.

The replacement of remedial courses is meant to advance students more quickly, in intensive and interactive courses, instead of being stuck in a remedial class for multiple semesters.

Internet Explorer – Safe Again – Even XP

the Internet Explorer logo

Earlier this week, Homeland Security issued a statement warning Americans against using Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. The reason for the ban? An exploit that allowed hackers to adopt the rights and permissions of a user to potentially take over a PC. This caused a ripple of panic across the internet at the implications of such a large vulnerability.

To start with, most non-computer savvy users use only one account and give it administrative rights to install programs. On an infected machine, a hacker would gain administrative privileges and be free to do as they wished with the PC.

According to Microsoft:

“…An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could take complete control of an affected system. An attacker could then install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights.”

That cause even bigger problems for businesses that dealt in confidential data. Someone could go into their systems and delete entire databases of information or expose highly confidential information.

Thankfully, Microsoft acted quickly (once the exploit was made public anyway) to fix the issue, releasing multiple updates for all Windows platforms from XP onwards. People are encouraged to update their machines as soon as possible. However users are getting tired of the constant security scares. First Target and Heartbleed, now Internet Explorer. What will we do when there’s nothing secure left?




Bio-Printing – An Amazing Breakthrough in Medicine and Technology

a computer rendering of a heart being printed

What is it?

A relatively new offshoot of 3D printing, Bio-Printing involves the use special printers, inks and paper to create living 3D replicas of human tissue. Where 3D printers print inanimate (and sometimes edible) objects using materials like plastic, metal, rubber granulated sugars, Bio-Printers use ‘Bio-Ink’ a  liquid mix made from living cells to create things like blood vessels, skin cells, noses ears, and hopefully in the near future, fully functioning livers, lungs and hearts.

The Printing Process

First an image of the tissue to be printed must be created. Using software similar to AutoCAD, a 3D blueprint of the tissue is made and fed into a printer. Ink containing biopolymer solutions are fed into a printer’s ink jet and the print job is started. Bio-Print jobs are created by continuously layering cells at varying temperatures on Bio-Paper (special paper created to keep printed cells alive).

Why is it important?

For people on the bottom of the transplant waiting list, Bio-Printing is the light at the end of an otherwise dark tunnel. Through Bio-Printing, Doctors would have an endless supply of organs to transplant without the worry of transmitting diseases, or transplanting incompatible organs. People born with missing or damaged organs or limbs could have a new one created based on Bio-Ink created from their cells. From a cosmetic point of view, with research, Bio-Printing would allow people to have their entire faces printed. Eliminating the possibility of botched surgeries and greatly reducing the risks of plastic surgery.

Ethical Issues

There are mixed opinions on the ethics of Bio-Printing. The “Complex Heterogeneous Tissue Constructs Containing Multiple Cell Types Prepared By Inkjet Printing Technology” study combined both human and animal cells to create living tissue. While the majority of the public was not (and still isn’t) aware of the human cross animal tissue, it started a heated ethical & moral debate. Some of the tissues used in Bio-Ink come from stem cells – making the use of the ink highly controversial. The Catholic Church prohibits the use of stem cells that originate from human embryos; however, this prohibition does not extend to all stem cells. A two year old born without a windpipe, had an artificial one created for her from stem cells taken from her bone marrow.

Bio-Printing has the potential to revolutionize the medical community. It can save lives that would have otherwise been forfeit, but it will eventually force people to deal with serious ethical issues. Bio-Printing has not yet reached the level of being able to create fully functioning organs, but the technology improves by leaps and bounds every day. Should a person accept a liver that will save their lives if it contains the cells of say, a pig? Should an infant be allowed to die because their only option is to be given a heart printed from embryotic stem cells? When we eventually perfect this potentially lifesaving technology, what will we do with it?


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Michelle Obama has caught the acting bug

Michelle Obama waving

For all you Michelle Obama fans out there, the First Lady will guest star as herself on the hit ABC show Nashville, on May 7.

Mrs. Obama is raking up quiet the resume, as this recent guest spot only adds to her growing list of credits. So far, she’s been on Sesame Street, iCarly, and recently The Biggest Loser to promote physical fitness and healthful eating for her “Let’s Move” Initiative.

But for those eager to catch her on television sooner, check her out on Thursday’s season finale of Parks and Recreation on NBC.

the logo for Citizenship Now!

Anyone have a question or questions on becoming a U.S. citizen? Well, you can get all your questions answered to these and other questions in just two weeks at the 12th annual Daily News/CUNY Citizenship NOW call-in. Since the call-in first opened, more than 123,000 questions from callers from New York City and around the country have been answered.

This year’s event begins on April 28, and runs till May 2. The line will remain open between 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. More than 400 attorneys, government accredited paralegal,s and trained community advocates will staff the call in. And don’t think that you must be able to speak English, as there will be separate phone lines for English, Spanish, and dozens of other langues

Besides the Daily News and the City University of New York, this year’s call-in sponsors include media sponsors WABC-TV and WXTV Univision 41, tech sponsors Cisco and Presidio, Gristedes, the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), CUNY School of Law, International Rescue Committee (IRC), John Jay College of Criminal Justice, National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO), New Americans Campaign (NAC), the New York State Office for New Americans (ONA) and Stella and Charles Guttman Community College.

You’ll find the call-in phone numbers on April 28 in the Daily News and at

Hill Country Barbeque Market

a barbecue spread

Earlier this week I gave in to temptation and made a lunchtime pit stop to the recently opened Hill County Barbeque Market. Having already eaten at their sister store (Hill County Chicken), I expected to leave the establishment with two things, a lighter wallet and delicious albeit small food portions. I was pleasantly surprised to be wrong about both.

the interior of Hill Country BBQ

Upon walking into the restaurant your senses are assaulted with the smell of various slow roasted meats a gorgeous wood décor, and (in my highly biased opinion), tolerable country music.

Out of all the places I’ve been, Hill County has one of the most interesting take-out ordering systems I’ve seen.

Starting at the ‘Barbecue & Sausage’ area, customers are given a meal ticket before they place their orders for meat (ranging anywhere from a cup of chopped brisket to whole pig). Then they move down the length of the counter buffet style, picking their sides, desserts and drinks as they go.

On a side note, I was very impressed with their sides section. Their collard greens are good (the chopped bacon is an added plus), and their corn pudding was great, but their potato salad was phenomenal. You have the option of adding salad toppings to your sides – the staff is very accommodating to unusual tastes.

Hill Country Live












Patrons will however benefit more from heading to this hotspot at night than they will for lunch. Hill County has a fully stocked (if expensive) bar and offers live music entertainment on a near nightly basis.

Hill County Barbeque Market is far from the cheapest place to eat in the area however, in my opinion, the atmosphere and the quality of the food served there more than makes up for it. This is a great addition to the variety of food available in the area and I look forward to eating here in the future.


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Game Review: Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare

the Garden Warfare video game

When PopCap games first announced a sequel to their hit tower defense game Plants vs. Zombies, people expected great things from the growing franchise. An off the wall first person shooter with over the top weapons and characters was the last thing anyone expected.

a video game

Classic Plants vs. Zombies (PvZ) was simple. Put down plants to defeat zombies and keep them from getting into your house to eat your brains. You were limited to 10 plants per round, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. You had to collect sunlight to use more plants, and last but not least, once you placed a plant, aside from the odd wiggle of an animation, your plants did not move. That all changed when Garden Warfare came.

From the moment you boot up the game, your screen is covered in zombies and plants fighting an endless war while dying and fighting in highly comical ways.

Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare

Similarly to the original PvZ, the playable characters each have their pros and cons.



a video game SunflowerThe medics of the group, sunflowers are largely responsible for healing their injured teammates. They can deploy portable heal flowers, or dig in their roots to launch a surprisingly devastating ray of sunlight.






a video game cactusCacti are snipers plain and simple. They can deploy barriers, drones and land mines (Tall-nuts Battlements, Garlic Drones and Potato Mines). They can attack from a distance, secure and area, and given proper backup, can efficiently defend an objective. Unfortunately, Cacti are horrible at close range with horrible accuracy without scoping, and very low health.




a video game Pea ShooterPeashooters are the go to front line fighters of the game. They’re great for beginners to use and are highly versatile fighters. As their name suggests, they shoot peas, but their abilities include a grenade launcher (Chili Bean Bomb), a ‘Hyper’ ability which lets them run and jump faster and higher, and (similar to the sunflower) the ability to dig its roots into the ground and become a Gatling gun.




a video game creacher

Chompers define close combat. Similarly to classic PvZ, Chompers defeat zombies by eating them. While their attacks are a one hit kill, they still have to get close enough actually eat them. Chompers can burrow underground, deploy ‘Spikeweed’ (which ensnare zombies and hang them upside down) and shoot a low damage Goop that slows zombies down and makes it impossible for them to use their special abilities.





a video game scientist


Scientists are semi-automatic shotgun wielding terrors capable of teleporting, throwing sticky grenades and healing other zombies. This is a personal opinion, but they’re one of the most overpowered characters in the game.





a video game engineer

Engineers are the multi-taskers of the game. They can deploy drones, toss sonic grenades (which force Chompers out of the ground), build turrets, build teleporters and ride around on jackhammers. Not unbalanced at all, right?




Foot Soldier

a video game Foot Soldier

Foot soldiers rival the Peashooters in effectiveness and versatility. They can launch damaging stink grenades, launch an RPG, and launch themselves into the air using an attached jet pack.





a video game creatureThe All-Star zombie is a high powered, high health having football star – well an undead one anyway. Equipped with a Football Launcher, it can clear out entire areas rather easily.





Game Modes

Garden Ops

Garden Ops is the closest thing to classic PvZ in the game. Players form a team of up to 4 plants, to protect a garden of tiny little plants from invading zombies. You’re given the option to grow some assistance in the form of stationary potted plants with varying abilities.

Team Vanquish

Team Vanquish is Garden Warfare’s take on a classic Team Deathmatch mode. The goal is to kill players on the enemy team to win. You get a point for each kill – assuming someone on the opposing team doesn’t revive them first.

Gardens and Graveyards

Gardens and Graveyards is a Capture the Flag clone. Teams fight against each other to capture points starting at one side of the map moving from one side to the other. Whichever team captures the most points, wins.

Gnome Bomb

A recent addition to the game, Gnome Bomb is Call of Duty’s Demolition mode except much cuter. Each team has 3 locations they have to blow up using a garden gnome attached to a bomb. There is only one bomb on the map at a time and players can kill each other to get it and attempt to plant at specified locations.

Overall, I give this game a 9/10. Every so often the game freezes, and there are connectivity issues that need to be fixed. The characters are also highly unbalanced, leaning more towards the zombies, with high HP and power, versus the plants who have average HP and occasionally below average fire power.         Despite being an E10+ game (For everyone 10 Years and older), it’s fun for more than just little kids. Adults sick of blood gore and realistic firefights can enjoy this cartoonish, funny, and ridiculously cute, video game.


Image Sources:

Drowning In Student Debt

a cartoon of a student in thinking pose, weighted down by debt

Student loans are currently at an all time high. While loan free graduates can immediately begin starting their life, indebted graduates have to spend years paying principal and interest on loans. The standard time that students take to repay loans tend to be 10 years, but can be much longer.

A 2012 Pew Research Center analysis of government data, found that nearly 40% of households, led by someone 35 or younger, have student debt.

Of the nearly 20 million Americans who attend college each year, about 12 million of them are forced to take out loans, according to the Almanac of Higher Education. Estimates show that the average four year graduate rakes up between $26,000 to $29,000 in loan. Increasing tuition seems to be the major cause due to reduced state funding and other campus costs.

But college graduates do have something to look forward to. Young adults, ages 25 to 32, who work full time, earn anywhere around $45,500 a year. That’s $17,500 more than people who only have a high school diploma.

I believe it’s high time that states begin to re-think college financing options to bring debt down and graduation rates up!

The Samsung Galaxy S5 – Is It Worth It?

The Samsung Galaxy S5 – Is It Worth It?

the galaxy s5 phone in colors

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time (again) for a new Samsung Galaxy phone to be released. On April 11th (or right now if you live in South Korea) phone enthusiasts in over 100 countries will be able to get their hands on what may be the hottest phone of the year. At 5.59 by 2.85 inches and boasting a quad-core 2.4GHz processor, 2GB of RAM and 16GB of built in storage (expandable up to 128GB with a microSD memory card) the Galaxy S5 is a very impressive phone.

the s5 phone submerged in water










One of the S5’s greatest features lies in its durability. It was made to meet International Protection marketing standards against water and solids. In English, it’s highly resistant to dust and while not perfect, is somewhat waterproof. If your phone in 3 or so feet of water, there’s a slight chance it’ll fry, but some protection is better than none at all. Another new feature on the S5 is the addition of a fingerprint scanner. Unlike Apple, Samsung is allowing developers to create apps that use the scanner, however, whether or not it will be better than Apple’s attempt at a finger print scanner remains to be seen.


The Samsung Galaxy camera









The S5 also comes with a 16 megapixel camera rear facing camera (complete with Autofocus, Phase detection, High Dynamic Range mode and digital image stabilization), and a 2.1 megapixel front facing camera. The S5’s camera also has selective focus, a feature available on most DSLR cameras – a major step towards making separate, more expensive camera equipment obsolete.


At launch, the S5 will be available from AT&T, MetroPCS, Sprint, T-Mobile, Boost Mobile, and Virgin Mobile.

T Mobile
  • $27.50 plus Contract
  • $199.99 w/ 2 Year Contract
  • $649.99 w/ no Annual Contract
  • $199.99 w/ 2 Year Contract
  • $649.99 w/ no Annual Contract
  • $24 / $32.50 per Month** w/ qualifying Phone Plan
US Cellular
  • $199.99 w/ 2 Year Contract

**AT&T Next 12 & Next 18

Verizon, despite being confirmed as a carrier for the S5 at launch, has declined to release any details on the device. It should also be noted that while Boost Mobile and Virgin Mobile are contract free (meaning you will have to pay the full price of the phone), that they’re both owned and operated by Sprint and that they will run on the same network.


Do You Need It?

If you’ve recently sprung for an S4 or aren’t eligible for an upgrade yet, you don’t need a new phone just yet. (If you have an S3 and it’s in your budget, feel free to splurge though). If you have an iPhone, the decision is purely up to you. The argument of iPhone vs Android boils down to preference and (in my opinion) isn’t a debate that can be settled with shiny new features. No matter what you choose, Samsung’s Galaxy S5 is a highly anticipated phone sure to boost profits and break wallets in the very near future.




Photo Credits:


Mayor Bill De Blasio Is Officially Cool!

The annual Inner Circle show was held this past Saturday in New York City. The Inner Circle show, which is a spin-off of the White House Correspondents Association dinner, is an opportunity for journalists to roast the mayor through different forms, such as song and dance.

Though Mayor Bill de Blasio didn’t wait for any reporters, as he quickly started to poke fun of himself, leaving nothing off the table. He made fun of his frequent tardiness, his low approval ratings, his tendency to leave school open during big storms, and other bumps he has suffered while in office. With the help of celebrities, such as Steve Buscemi and Cynthia Nixon, the annual Inner Circle show was an event to remember.

In one skit, Mayor de Blasio was pitted against the Rev. Al Sharpton, as contestants in Jeopardy. When the host asked “39 and heading down to the teens by tomorrow morning,” Sharpton answered, “The mayor’s approval rating?”

Next was Al Roker, a weatherman for the Today Show. Roker had waged a Twitter war last month with Blasio, over his decision to open schools, despite a heavy snowstorm. In his skit, he was shown on the set of the “Today” show, complimenting him. After someone calls “cut” and they go off the air, Roker then retorts, “Great mayor? What a freaking joke.”

First lady Chirlane McCray was also a part of the show, playing opposite Nixon on a take on “The Honeymooners.” Producers also played several minutes of footage from de Blasio and McCray’s 1994 wedding, with a longhaired de Blasio dancing goofily.

One must love a guy that can so easily pick on himself. Now start to close schools more during blizzards and you might get my vote again during the next election.