Weekend Excursions

“A picture is worth a thousand words.”  Life begins when you start exploring.  It has changed my perspective on life.

Hi new friends.  My name is Konyca Francis.  I am a Liberal Arts and Electromechanical Engineering major.  Over the past eight years I have been capturing breathtaking images.

Initially, I took pictures because I was fascinated by the variety of clouds, and was drawn to the different shapes and objects.  I was amazed by the dynamic range of colors that appeared, three minutes after the sun disappeared beyond the horizon.  However I never displayed my work because I was too reserved.

A turning point occurred, when I attended a photography exhibition.  While there, I received excellent advice.  Instantly, my confidence was boosted.  I became inspired!

I plan on exhibiting my talent.  Through photography, I will take you along many adventures.  With that being said, take a journey with me on this weeks feature, “Weekend Excursions.”


a person crouched with a toy gun

Smoke Bomb attached to toy gun. Liberty State Park, NJ. 2:37pm

bright lights

Steel Wool Photography. Brooklyn Bridge, NY. 2:24am

a smartphone

New York City Farm Colony. Staten Island, NY. 1:04pm

a body of water

Arthur Kill Ship Graveyard. Staten Island, NY. 2:40pm