Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | SPRING 2024 | Thurs 2:30pm

Philosophy & Art: A Critique of Culture

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  1. Avar He Zapata

    Interesting. I think it’s just because I view art and philosophy differently but I guess I do look at some things nihilistically. Can you try doing a video version of this? And maybe add some more details into this topic?

  2. Adrika Hoque

    Hi Dorian, I enjoyed learning about your exploration of philosophy and culture. I think you chose a really contemporary issue affecting the west and academicism. In my personal opinion, nihilism increases as our world becomes more consumerist and we are perpetually surrounded by stimuli. I think you could have brought in more of the course material of Stuart Hall’s theories to improve the presentation. Overall, super interesting topic and it was very engaging!

  3. Sonali Heath

    Hello Dorian, I found your presentation to be very interesting and informative. Nihilism is a path of belief that I have seen be shown through Art as well. I believe the meaning of a certain art piece has certain types of meaning through different individuals, some may see an piece of art they don’t understand and may mean nothing to them while others try to figure it out to find the meaning behind that art even though they don’t understand it. Either way Philosophy is always a great topic to discuss about and your topic was an excellent choice to talk about.

  4. Miranda N.

    Hey Dorian,

    Your presentation was amusing and informative. “Philosophers are unhappy people” in a discussion of “causality” with “nihilism”, well, your argument is compelling. The idea of nihilism being reductive and angsty is accurate and hilarious. I was glad to hear Nietzsche “was not a nihilist”, which is not usually mentioned.

    I don’t know if I agree with his assertion you present, that “art is to praise, glorify”. Some might be to expose, or provoke. What of Picasso’s Guernica?

    Your presentation introduced me to art and artists I did not know, asked good questions, took us on a philosophical ride, and got me thinking. Precisely the point of philosophy, so I say well done!

  5. Tonisha

    Hey Dorian, Your presentation was well put together and fluent. I enjoyed your interaction with the viewers with your interpretation and connection to the topic. I’ve learnt from your presentation, wrote some words down and now am googling it. To be honest I have no idea or understand philosophy.

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