Use the Grade Survey below to evaluate your effort and success in this course. Submit the grade you believe you have earned in this course. This may not be the final grade you receive, but your evaluation of your own learning experience is extremely important and will be considered.

Take a moment to review the grading policy and Your Learning Plan. Look over your Writing Portfolio, all the Assignments you have submitted or plan to submit, and the Weekly Class Agendas. Consider all of the ways in which you have, over this semester, engaged your sense of curiosity about Communication Design Theory.

Grades are based upon:

  • Reading Responses / Designer’s Cookbook Posts 25%
  • Essay 20%
  • Writing Portfolio (including free-writing and Art of Noticing) 10%
  • Research Project & Presentation 25%
  • Productivity & Participation 20%

Using the College’s standard grading scale, you and your instructor will determine your final grade. Your final grade will reflect how well you met the course learning objectives and the personal learning goals outlined in your Learning Plan.

Below is an example of expected final grade ranges:

A = Completed and revised all of the assigned work, met the deadlines, actively participated in all in-class and online activities/discussions, worked on or met most of my learning goals.

B = Completed all and revised some of the assigned work, met most of the deadlines, actively participated in most of the in-class and online activities/discussions, worked on or met many of my learning goals.

C = Completed a significant amount of the assigned work and revised some, met some of the deadlines, actively participated in many of the in-class and online activities/discussions, worked on or met some of my learning goals.

D = Completed some of the assigned work, rarely met the deadlines, participated in some of the in-class and online activities/discussions, worked on or met few of my learning goals.

F = Completed a little to none of the assigned work, didn’t meet the deadlines, participated in few to none of the in-class and online activities/discussions, did not work toward my learning goals.

  • Select the learning outcomes you achieved this semester.
  • After considering and completing the questions above, briefly discuss how your accomplishments in this course aligned with your original learning goals and your overall educational and career objectives. What did you do well, what surprised you, and what would you like to continue to work on?
  • Based on your Learning Plan, the course objectives, and your personal learning goals, what final grade would you like to earn in this course?
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY