Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | SPRING 2024 | Thurs 2:30pm

Right to Repair – LED

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  1. Avar He Zapata

    Very informative presentation. Loved how you expressed that we should have the right to repair our own devices. You maybe could’ve provided a few more examples beyond economics and environmental issues and maybe included a social and political aspect into this? But overall good vid!

  2. Miranda N.

    Hey Luke,

    Super informative topic and presentation. I agree, and this feels like a racket, as they say. Your slides look great, your logic works, your presentation wry.

    You do say “um”, but I know you recorded fast. A second round might be worth it, after finals, as is my plan.

    I think your presentation makes an important point! We should be able to fix our most expensive investments. Special keys and such are just rude.

  3. Sonali Heath

    Hello Luke, this was a very interesting and eye opening topic which we in society should discuss more about.The idea of Learning how to fix your own electronics is something that could be very effective for society. You have great points within your presentation which are very detailed, your points would come across even better if you gave us some examples of how we can learn to fix our electronics ourselves, Overall you topic was very informative and well thought out.

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