Tasks Due Today

This Week’s Topics

  1. Freewriting – The Art of Noticing
  2. Welcome
  3. Introduction: Why Theory?
  4. Course Materials Overview
  5. Your Learning Plan
  6. Week 1 Agenda Checklist


Below find the information covered in this session. Complete all of the following activities, videos, and assignments.

1. Freewriting – The Art of Noticing (15 min)

Michael A. Cohen – “The Changing Room Illusion”

For anyone trying to discern what to do w/their life:




That’s pretty much all the info u need.

Amy Krouse Rosenthal

Reading from the book “The Art of Noticing” Rob Walker

Prompt: In your language of choice, write continuously in your notebook for 5 minutes about what you noticed on your way to class school today. Don’t edit, or correct, don’t stop, just write.

Noticing Task for this coming week from Luke and Rian!

Imbue Your World With Spirits

Practice a Shinto-influenced take on noticing by maintaining “a single point of concentration.” … We can imbue everything with a little spirit (or soul)… focus on one thing and search for the “sacred” within in.


2. Welcome Meet & Greet (30 Minutes)

Collectively, let’s make a list of 5 questions in our notebooks. What are you curious to know about the other people in this room?

  • What is your preferred name?
  • What kinds of things do you pay attention to or notice?
  • What else??

Now, let’s figure out the best way to move about the room to ask each person these questions one-on-one (in a circle and move clockwise, or ?)

We’ll set a timer for 3 minutes for each person.

3. Introduction Reading & Discussion

What is Communication Design Theory? (15 min)

Watch the Introduction video below to learn more about the goals and expectations for the semester.

COMD3504 Introduction – What & Why?

Why Theory?

Together, let’s read the “Why Theory” from Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field, Armstrong, Helen, Princeton Architectural Press, 2009. Navigate to page 6.

Highlight/circle the words you may be unfamiliar with and important phrases that stand out to you. Write down your own definition of Design Theory and why it could be important to you as a design student.

Let’s read and annotate the first page together in class.

Break into groups and discuss with your classmates.

Report back.

4. Course Site & Materials Overview (10 Minutes)

Let’s review the following sections of this site to familiarize ourselves with the following course materials. Please suggest edits or amendments.

5. Review and Submit Your Learning Plan (15 Min)

Let’s read through the Learning Plan form together. Take a moment to review the questions and write a draft of your Learning Plan in your notebook.

Before the next class, write and submit your Learning Plan.


Week 1 Agenda Checklist

Below are all of the tasks, big and small, for this week. The deadline is next Wednesday 11:59pm before our next class meeting. Timely completion of these tasks will contribute to your success in this course.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Welcome Tasks
Tasks from the Week 1 Agenda

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