Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | FALL 2023 | Thurs 2:30pm

Research Project Presentation – LA

How is generative AI changing the web design/development industry and becoming a productivity tool for designers and developers?

Brief Overview

Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that can create images, videos, text, code, and other types of content by identifying patterns in data. In recent years we have seen the development of generative AI systems like Chat GPT, DALL-E, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion that can generate realistic and varied art and layouts from text input. This new technology significantly impacted the web design industry. Web designers are starting to use generative AI as a creativeness and productivity tool because it can rapidly generate design options to spur ideation.

Annotated Bibliography

  1. Research Project Outline
  2. Annotated Bibliography
  3. Research Project Slides.

Additional Resources

  1. Source Material
  2. Video Resources
  3. Library Resources

Video Recording


  1. Nicolas

    Great presentation! The design is really clean and dynamic, especially the use of lines and shapes. The information flowed very well. It also is a great introduction on how AI is useful as a productivity tool and resource for variety of AI resources useful to creatives. Rapid prototyping presents a great potential for those who build and work with tactile materials.

  2. Lola Lopez

    Important and relevant topic! I like how to presented and explained AI. I think it had a good flow and the pace was good and easy to understand. I like your examples and how they can foster collaboration to create pieces and how you explained in what ways it can be helpful.

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