Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | FALL 2023 | Thurs 2:30pm

Essay #1 – JS (Example Post)

Students: This example post demonstrates the format for Essay posts and how student posts are organized using the category “Essays.” This post is displayed under Student Posts > Essays” in the site menu. Make sure your work is accessible on the site and check the assignment instructions for the required category, tags, and title for your posts.

Essay Title (Heading H2)

Your Name

Brief introduction. Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum sed sit amet dui. Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Sed porttitor lectus nibh. (100 words)

1 Comment

  1. Corey fortune

    Essay 1 CF

    My Essay is about the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao building and its connection to the  Deconstructivism.

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