Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_OL08 | FALL 2021

Research Project Presentation – BM

My project is on the effects that advertising has had on mental health and body image. I mention what a beauty standard is, I also talk about what mental health is and what body image is. I analyze an ad and talk about the later effect that social media has also had on body image and mental health.

My slides



  1. Zi Hang Lian

    Nice visual and information. Although I get distracted from time to time with your long paragraphs, I did get your point. The part that made me understand the rest of the video is the video that you posted.

    The only thing that bothers me is the length of your presentation. It’s too long. I got bored in the middle and skimmed through. Other than that, nice presentation though. I did learn a lot.

  2. Shauntaya

    As social media progressed the beauty standard changes a bit but it always discriminated against fat people. With the increase of the plus-size model, even that has to look too close like flat stomach hourglass-shaped. The presentation has good information and the visuals are nice.

  3. rahel lehar

    Good visuals, very informative. It would’ve been better and easier to put a few bullet points with shorter sentences on each slide rather than having huge long paragraphs. I get that people’s mentality is based on their own appearance because its the first thing we physically see on all humans and that we care too much what people think of our appearance.

  4. SimonWill21

    Very good topic along with the look of the presentation. My only issue is a large amount of text on quite a few slides, yeah it’s informative but I feel like all those words make it hard to retain information about what you are teaching us. However, I do like that you added a video in there to explain your ideas in a deeper way.

  5. Nicholas Albanese

    You had a great idea by choosing this topic for your presentation. I enjoyed the visuals of the presentation and the choice of palette. The video example was also nice. However, I feel that at times, the presentation dragged and it felt like you were just reading from the slides most of the time. Like I told other students, having some text on the slide for reference is fine but try shortening your main points of the slide into bullet points. Maybe try crafting a script next time so you can read from that and we pay more attention to what you have to say instead of what’s on the slides.