
Before deciding to take more of an active role in the newsletter, I was working with one person on the project using previous newsletters for reference. From my research, I learned that the document was usually 12-18 pages long including appointees and other add-ons that would be provided by our supervisor. Thinking about the structure, I focused on the holidays I wanted to highlight in addition to the overarching theme of LGBTQ Pride. Locating all the articles and links to included I sent the information to my coworker to design the layout. We communicated through text message and phone calls over the span of a week, but as the deadline got closer, I realized we were going to need more time. I asked for an extension believing that my partner would be finished by the end of the day. Unfortunately, we went over the deadline because the layout was deleted, and I spent 10 hours overnight doing everything over. In the end, the June newsletter was turned in three days late, but I learned that I needed to be more involved in the design process.