Attention means application of the mind to an object or thought. Also attention means noticing something or a special consideration for something . therefore attention in psychology can be referred to as a person concentrating on a feature in ones environment in exclusion of other things . But surprisingly peoples mind do not pay much attention to good things or things that go well rather they paid more attention to things that do not go well or things that are bad. So we can conclude from here that human minds filter out things that they are less worried about . Furthermore, our minds tends to focus more on what we are worried about and making us ignore other things around us. Well we can further explain this using my personal experience. I had to meet with my English professor few weeks ago. I checked her office hours and realized she would be leaving the office in two minutes. It was compulsory that I meet with her that day, so I decided to catch up with her before she leaves the office. I was so worried about meeting her at the office that I didn’t imagine I could meet her on my way. About 45 feet’s to her office my professor passed by me and I didn’t notice her instead I walked faster towards her office . On getting to her office I was told she just left the office about a minute ago. At that moment I had a flashback and a feeling that I saw her but I wasn’t paying attention to other things around me while I walked to her office. I didn’t notice her even though she was very obvious and I desperately wanted to see her, yet it seems funny to me that my eyes saw her but my mind ignored her. Well this observation can be explained in psychology. It is termed INATTENTIONAL BLINDNESS.
Who: this is my personal experience
When: It happened to be while I was taking summer classes July/august 2016
Why: The homework assigned to me by my English professor ( Olga Chajet) was due on the day of the incident and I had to submit my homework to her to avoid the penalty
I already gave you some feedback, so just a brief comment.
This is a well done piece of work and a fine example of what we were discussing in class.