I decided to choose a different article, the article that I chose before was How Covid Affects Real Estate In America. I decided to change my article because I found another from the NewYorker Magazine that I felt was more impactful. This article is named Why Does the Pandemic Seem to Be Hitting Some Countries Harder Than Others? I thought that this would be a better way to bring awareness to the pandemic in a way that is much easier to grasp for everyone rather than only people who are looking to buy houses. Not everyone is looking to move away right now so I thought that this article would be a better representation on how the pandemic is affecting everyone around the world. For my WordWeb, I thought of the words pandemic, countries, and hitting because those are the most impactful words. Based on those words, I’ve formed other ideas and found other words that I felt like I could use to my advantage when I re-create and redesign this article.