For my practice of the weights, I used each size micron pens. It was difficult to naturally get weights of each pen because the tip of pens is around. So, the only way to really get weight is if I slowly let the pen bleed on the page. It can get lighter if I increase the speed of draw the lines. The advantages I found with the smaller sized pen, were the ability to create value with little negative space without the worry of too much bleed.

My first drawing is of a person listening to music. I had the idea of the music leaking from his headphones. I visually represent them by drawing waves. I’ve chosen to use diagonals and some diagonal lines for value. I tried to experiment with the illustration by using only the lines to define his hair and face. However, it felt like the form was not defined enough so I included some outlines. Finally, I used the 003 sized pen to lines instead of inking it. In the end I like how this illustration turned out.

For my second drawing, I designed to a cat. Not one. The one that you see now is my second attempt. I didn’t like the first one because my inclusion of line strokes for the body was not executed to my liking. I drew the eyes, mouth, nose, and whiskers with a 04 pen to get the defining features. Then I used the brush pen to draw the fur.