Welcome to a New World

First Assignment

Overwhelming. This summer has been one of the greatest transitions I’ve ever experienced in my life. While trying to balance between my new business, work, and school, I have became very stressed with the overload of work I had to complete within the past few months. Even though my work has kept me very busy over the summer, it still had allowed me to grow into a more mature and hardworking person. Starting my new business had made me become more a passionate and determined person. It allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and helped me meet new and wonderful people. I also learned many new things regarding school. Transitioning from high school to  college has made me more independent. It taught me how to always look for opportunities, even when it may seem as if there are none. On the other hand, transitioning schools has  also made me a bit worried. In high school, it was difficult to actually learn while being taught online, and I’m worried that might happen again in college. I’m hoping I will be able to fully understand everything my professors teach me moving forward with online school. I’m also a little excited, and I can’t wait to see what the school year has in hold for me!

The picture attached shows how anxious I am for this school year. It shows how worried I feel wondering whether I will succeed these upcoming semesters or not.

1 Comment

  1. Sarah Schmerler

    Princess! No worries.
    First off: you solve your own problem here. Do you see how?
    You say: “I’m hoping I will be able to fully understand everything my professors teach me moving forward with online school.” The idea that your professors are “teaching” you stuff — stuff you either understand or don’t — that’s a fallacy. Knowledge isn’t downloaded. It is acquired. It comes from effort and EXPERIENCE. The more experiences you have, the wiser you are…
    Then you say: “…college has made me more independent. It taught me how to always look for opportunities, even when it may seem as if there are none.” That’s your answer! YOU will create new opportunities where there seem to be none. You will make the learning into an experience–one that you didn’t have the independence of mind in high school to go and GET.
    Does this make sense?
    Well, I care a lot about this topic. Thank you for raising it in this truly honest post.
    : )
    Looking forward to meeting you.
    P.S. your other big word is “transition.” Those are always tough. And always necessary.

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