Author: Skyla Damarys DeJesus (Page 1 of 2)

Filter Bubble Response_ Skyla DeJesus

I learned from this video how easy it is to get off topic because of how generalized topics are now on the internet. Because of this the major websites like Google and Youtube are creating these algorithms which make finding resources easier. This applies to me because when I search up for examples of aquatic animals google will only limit me to the one which i searched for. This helps also limit me to more information about animals that I am not looking for. I never really looked at it this way, I always saw it as helping narrow down the evidence but I can see how they limit us from finding more information that can help. I would say sometimes I am trapped in a filter bubble because like he said in the video I am shown things the internet thinks I want to see instead of things that I might need to see. The internet is a never ending compass to learn and find out things that others discover. It can broaden your spectrum but also hinder what people put out there. Eli Pariserā€™s overall message is that the internet is a skeptical place to learn but can be helpful to an extent. Everyone around the world had knowledge to give and receive and the internet is like the middleman for connecting. I know that the internet is a powerful resource and can takeĀ  you in the right or wrong direction so filter bubbles are necessary but also limitless.Ā 


My Literacy Narrative_ Skyla DeJesus

In my personal narrative I reflected on my past literacy and how I have evolved with my writing. Having different perspectives and influences allowed me to develop techniques and learn who I am as a writer.

Expressions can be represented in many different ways and is an important factor to have in life as it allows others to sympathize and view things from your own perspective. In junior highschool there was and still is one of my most influential writers to push me to my biggest potential, Leslie Riche. She knew how to get her students’ creative juices flowing and did sprint writing exercises where for the first 10 minutes of class we had to write the entire time and not put our pencils down no matter what even if we were writing nonsense. The point of this exercise was to get us out of our comfort zone and let our minds run free. We then would volunteer to share what we wrote and it showed that we all aren’t great writers and it is okay to let your peers read your work. It brings another perspective and context to your words, some of us would write about our pets, families and others about their favorite foods. It didn’t matter what mattered was, how can we all learn from one another and support each other while critiquing what could have been done better. Now going into highschool I entered into my english classes with confidence but also room for growth. Admitting that you have weaknesses in certain styles of writing is admirable and shows you care about your writing and education.

I still feel very conscious of who reads my writing, especially the valuable ones because I dislike making myself vulnerable. A statement an English teacher said which was stated by Maya Angelou that always resided with me was, ā€œyou can’t use up creativity, the more you use, the more you haveā€. It gives purpose to our minds that allows us to keep going without any reasons to stop, writing is never ending and a form of therapy to some. As I continue this journey of writing I try to maintain creativity because having the ability to tell a thrilling, sad, exciting, happy, angry, vengeful, and suspenseful story the list goes on, authors all around the world use writing to tell their stories. Another quote my teacher would say is ā€œa book is a dream you hold in your handā€, meaning every author bleeds their hearts onto those pages for readers to feel how attached they are to their writing. Everyone has different dreams and reading about others gives hope to those who don’t believe they can dream. Writing gives people desire and ambition to be better than they were before, to let their words change themselves through others. I appreciate all the wonderful articles, magazines, books and all other forms of writing because they widen my perception of the world.

“Name Names_Skyla DeJesus”.

Rosa Maria Jimenez, I want to start from the beginning which is with my grandma being an 11 year old girl who had to take care of her four younger siblings in a poor village in the Dominican Republic. She never attended school because she was too busy raising her siblings while her mom(my great grandma) was out all day 20 miles into the city to sell food in the street to bring back as much money she can. Once my grandmother reached 18yrs old she found a job being a maid for a wealthy family and worked for them for 5yrs, after that she got pregnant with my mother and knew raising her daughter in DR wasn’t going to be successful plan. She gave birth in DR but the family she worked for were flying to New York and got my grandmother a visa to go with them in which she came up with her plan. After landing and staying with them, on the last day they were supposed to fly back she snuck out hours before to a relatives home and decided leaving her daughter in DR for 3yrs is the best expedited plan so she could make enough money to buy a home and have stability for her family to bring them to New York. Doing this not only broke her heart but my mother, being without my grandmother forced her to become independent at a young age. My grandmother worked so hard and deserves the world, without her I wouldn’t be the woman I am today. She taught me that nothing should be used as an excuse and hustling is mandatory nothing will ever be handed out to you. We weren’t born fortunate so that means we have to work harder for our desires. My family is very old school oriented and religious so growing up weekly church visits and Sunday school were mandatory. In the beginning I dreaded going but as I got older I realized it was used as a mechanism to bring my family and I closer with each other through God. As my mother, Damarys Elizabeth Marte, raised me she tried her best to give me the life she wished she had, an actual childhood that I could enjoy being a kid without adult responsibilities. As she told me her stories ands struggles growing up it motivated me to work hard to make her proud that her daughter will accomplish the dreams she couldn’t. These two woman have influenced me so much by showing me I don’t need a man to be happy, successful or confident. I learned to love myself so much I don’t yearn to be loved anymore. When you are your biggest supporter all your dreams seem so much more achievable and failure should push your harder to make it a win. I still have many more life lessons to go through but as of right now I have strong, independent and brave woman to catch me when I fall.

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