Going into this information Ted talk I knew accidently what Mr. Pariser was going to be discussing. Having prior knowledge of ” filter bubbles” I was thinking all the time I was automatically shown items or topics of my interest while Mr. Pariser went into the dynamics of this subject. I can think of all the times I have been shopping and the next day the item I’m planning to buy keeps popping up on my feed or when I receive adds concerning topics, I have just researched a day ago. Before learning about this filter bubble, I always thought it was a crazy coincidence, but in reality, the internet has become so advanced and never private to a point everyone has their own personal selection and viewing base. The internet can get scary, and some people don’t see that this algorithm exist or know how deep the involvement with the internet is.
Author: Lrosas (Page 1 of 2)
Below I have decided to share my intro to my ” literacy narrative”. I want to share the idea that no matter how great someone is at something they will ultimately need help. I’m not the type of person to ask for much help and I’ll always try to come to a solution myself before reaching out but while writing this essay I realized how much help I received and that I’m grateful for in my literacy journey. I made this a reoccurring theme throughout my essay to highlight the importance of help and guidance for others.
“All the greats didn’t become who they are overnight. All the greats made sacrifices and went through triumphs along with failure to become who they are. While being great on their own everyone needs help along the way with something. Maybe that something will be the idea, or the work put in, but everyone will need help along the way. Help is a part of the journey and may be the best way to become the successful person anyone wishes to be. The journey of reading and writing for anyone starts at a young age and continues along with the growth of the person.”
Who influenced me? Who encouraged me to learn? Well how can I answer that without everyone in my life that helps pave the way for me. Although I consider myself an observer type of learner, I can truly only give my parents the title for who helped encourage me for certain aspects of life.
Let’s start with my mother, the one whose always been by my side since birth. Ironic that I’m writing this now and her wedding is tomorrow, I will have to make another toast. But my mother has been there by my side through the good and bad. I remember my first memory of her teachings; it was little me in our old house and she just taught me how to tie my shoes. From that day on I would go into elementary school changing my laces to different colors because my mother taught me how to tie my shoes. From since I continue to learn from my mother receiving all her knowledge shaping me into the man I am today.
Introduced into my life right before my teenage years my stepfather has helped and seen me grow into a capable grown mature young man. I truly don’t consider him a stepfather rather as my biological father after all he has done for me and my family. My stepfather built my character as his after taking me under his care. He is truly a tremendous father figure and I know my future is set because of his family and work ethic. seeing his actions and taking in his guidance is the reason I’m confident in my future. It was him who picked me up whenever I slacked in school, he was the one who taught me how to drive, and it was him who made me his underboss in his own company. Knowing his trust and belief in me is what inspires me to do great in life and continue to try and be the best. I can continue writing about my dad for hours because that’s how much he has done for me, and I appreciate all he has done. I even wrote my college essay about him! It is him who educated and truly inspires me in life.