What I learned from this TED talk is what it means to be in a “filter bubble”, at first, I didn’t understand the topic, but the final conclusion at the end sealed the deal for me. The internet is not bringing us together, discover new ideas or give challenge, we get something that gives us all the answers and can take us away from the real world. Technology is moving at a very fast pace, and while making the new iPhone is cool, we have lost the purpose of a phone and other electronic devices. Back when phones were new to the scene, they were used for communication between people, allowing us to talk with someone from far away. Now, phones have a bunch of apps that distract you and we ignore the true purpose of a phone, making us lose connection of the real world. Hopefully, people start seeing the path that technology is taking, and to learn the true definition of why we use technology, as worded in the TED talk by Eli Pariser “We need it to connect us, we need to give us new ideas, people and different perspectives, but it’s not going to that, if it leaves all isolated in a web of 1”.