Ms. Lisandro. When I first started going to school in NYC, I had trouble learning English. My troubles led to failing 2nd grade; I was devasted even though in hindsight it doesn’t come as a shocker that I failed. The education system in the Dominican Republic is not really the strongest so a 2nd grader in DR is not equal to one here. In the 2nd year of 2nd grade, I was assigned Ms. Lisandro one of the best educators I ever had. She took time out of after-school hours to help me learn the language and help with any other subject that I was weak in, and I really did try to learn because failing a second time for me was not an option. She helped almost every single day and shortly I was able not perfectly but I least I understood what a was reading. Eventually, I was able to read, write, and have conversations with my classmates. Honestly, I feel like I would not be able to learn English as fast as I did without her help. Both my father and I were extremely grateful for her help, she is one of the reasons why I’m not afraid to ask for help because she showed me the type of help, I am able to receive when I ask for help. Learning English, the first time around was difficult because I was not getting that at-home practice since my dad doesn’t speak English, having Ms. Lisandro staying after school for me and helping me was equal to if not more supportive to my experience with learning English.