I’m walking in a desert. Orange shades fill everywhere. My throat grows drier and my whole body aches. “Aaaah,” I screamed as I fell. I open my eyes and feel sweat rushing through my body and my heart beating rapidly. “Another falling dream.” I sigh. I look at my phone. 6:03 am it reads. No, I didn’t make it on time I thought. Kicking my white blanket off of me, I rush to do ablution. I put on clean clothes that cover everywhere except my face and hands. Then, I perform prayer. This room is dark with little light coming through my window. Its single window lets in only a sliver of light. It’s amazing how dark, considering it is morning. still, my window barely glows. I sit on my praying mat after I finish praying and start remembering. Remembering (Allah) God every morning protects me and makes me ready for the day. It’s 6:25 am now. I want to go back to sleep, but I can’t, so I recite Quran for ten minutes.

I still have an hour before I have to leave to go to college. I grab my phone and start scrolling through my Mail. Realized I haven’t finished reading chapter two for my government class. “Huff,” this needs to be done so I can submit the extra credit later I think. 30 minutes later; I set up my coffee machine and while waiting for it I went to change. “Where is my black hijab” I shouted at my litter sister. “Never mind I found it”. I grabbed my coffee and bag, creaking and opening my door. Running to my bus before it leaves because I’m always not on time. Huff huff!  I try to catch my breath. “Good morning,” I said to my bus driver.

By 7:50 I would be standing next to my Algebra class door. Lights turned off and the hallways quiet. Enjoying my music with high volume. “You guys could go in, no need to wait out here”. The professor explained and we all walked in. I hope this day end will. Boosting myself and feeding my brain a positive thought before I start.