Lipogram No The

Beep beep beep. 7:00 AM, my alarm rings, right on schedule. I open one eye and quickly hit snooze with a heavy groan and flip over to my side. Time for work, I think to myself as I attempt to doze off for a few extra minutes of shut-eye before having to ultimately abandon my cozy sanctuary. Eventually, I decide it’s time to get up. Trudging my feet, I brush my teeth, get dressed, and tried my best to make my bird’s nest of hair as presentable as possible before heading out. It was nice and sunny out and surprisingly warm for winter. I stop by a local bakery to grab some breakfast and coffee on my way to work which is an office only a 10-minute walk from home. Super convenient since I can head home during my break for a quick lunch.

I get to work at exactly 8:50 am; 10 whole minutes early.

“Wow, an early bird huh?” My manager remarks and I can only chuckle. An early bird is definitely not how I would describe myself since I hate waking up early with a passion.

Work itself is mundane and repetitive as usual, typical of an office job though some may disagree and enjoy it more than I do. Another day, another stack of paperwork I think with a sigh. I try not to complain too much however since tasks are easy and it was a good way to pass time during my free semester while making some money while I was at it.

“Well, I have a surprise for you guys today.” I hear my manager say and I peer up from behind my stack of papers in curiosity.

And there, in all its glory, was a box of a dozen Dunkin donuts perched on her hand.

“Help yourselves,” she says before placing them down on a table.

I quickly scamper over, trying not to look too excited to take a peek. They were perfectly heart-shaped (for valentines day) and looked simply scrumptious. I daintily lift one onto a paper plate to bring to my cubicle, not forgetting to say a quick ‘thank you’ to my manager for bringing treats for us. After I painstakingly finished filing my first box of paperwork out of what seemed like an infinite number more, I decided to reward myself. I take a big bite of my donut after cleaning my hands. Mmmm, jelly-filled, my favorite. I smile in contentment as its sweetness instantly makes me feel better and I momentarily forget about my towering stack of paperwork. Maybe today won’t be so bad after all. 

1 Comment

  1. Sarah Schmerler

    1.A phrase that made me so happy and impressed: “my bird’s nest of hair.”

    2.A thing that you made me think/a thing you made me remember/a thing I could relate to: My personal obsession with Dunkn (lately) and donuts, in particular. I. <3. Donuts.

    3.A way that your writing inspired me: I want to write in that style (your amazing and so natural way with portraying a morning with dialog and image) about what I did THIS morning.

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