Assignment #1


Hi, My name is Oluwaseun, but I go by Debbie. My word to describe how I feel about taking this course and semester is excited. I’m a freshman and I haven’t been to school since 2016. It feels awesome to be back in school.

My winter vacation was very relaxing. I do not have friends and do not enjoy going out much so I was home all through the holidays.

My worries and concerns this semester is to be a great student and to perfectly balance out school and my other life activities. Considering the fact that I haven’t been to school in 6 years now, I am hoping to be able to keep up with classes, assignments and every other school activities. I also get overwhelmed knowing that I have never attended a school in the United States.

I have mixed feeling about online school. I love the aspect  of not having to go out of my house because I am an introvert  but I do not enjoy online classes because I loose concentration easily and can be lazy sometimes.

However, I am still super excited to get back to school after a long while and hope to remain dedicated to getting a degree.

I chose this picture of me because it constantly reminds me that I have decided to get back to school and get a degree for ME,  and to make myself and future better. I AM MY BIGGEST MOTIVATION.


  1. Haifa

    Good morning, I’m Asia and I also go with a different name that’s Haifa. Nice to meet you. I’m a homebody person too, I would feel someway if I go out. Mom would tell me to go shopping or take a walk, but I feel like everyone would stare at me. And it’s uncomfortable. I don’t have friends either. Had a best friend in high school but some how we ended up not talking. Hope we get along. Also you smile is beautiful.


      Thanks Asia.
      I know how it feels to be a home body and loosing friends because they can’t deal with how secluded we can be as introvert.

  2. Sarah Schmerler

    Welcome, Debbie, back to school!
    Personally? I always liked and also hated school. Depends on what year, and where, and with whom. My thing is that I love learning, and sometimes school (and my fellow students) created a good vibe for that, and sometimes — not.

    So, like my mother, may she rest in peace, said: Learning is life long.
    Never a bad time for it.

    Having a good attitude like yours really helps.

    -Prof. S.
    P.S. Will you tell us about your experiences outside the States? It sounds interesting. Where were you?


      Thanks professor.

      My experience outside the United state is a different one. I graduated high school in Nigeria. Education in Nigeria is different in every aspect. The cultural differences, compulsory learning, learning in Nigeria is really strict.

      I also got a scholarship to school in Turkey after high school. I went on vacation to Cyprus for a month to explore the school and see if I would like it there but after my stay there I decided not to school in Cyprus because it was different language speaking country and the I had to learn the language before I could start studying my major.

      So I decided to go to school in an English speaking county. I was going to move to Chicago in 2017 after I got an admission at Chicago but I lost my dad and couldn’t go because I could not afford it.

      My dream didn’t stop there and that’s why i am here today.

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