Utopia and Dystopia in the two stories by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

First of all, to define the terms “Utopia” and “Dystopia” in a dictionary, Utopia is an ideal place or state which has any visionary system of political or social perfection. Dystopia is the antonym of “Utopia” which is defined as a society characterized by human misery, as squalor, oppression, disease, and overcrowding.
Between the two stories “The cottagette” and “The yellow wall paper”, it is obvious which one is which. The cottagette shows us an example of a liberal form of marriage even in an era where people’s attitude toward the gender roles is very conservative. Whereas “The yellow wall paper” shows us how strictly the wife is controlled by her husband.
In the cottagette, Mr. Mathews proposes to Malda a condition in their marriage that she musn’t do house work but must keep doing what she loves as an embroidery artist, and he takes the part of cook which he has been for his life. People’s idea of typical gender roles today is getting more equivocal in their marriage comparing to the setting of the story in early 20th century. People tend to respect what their partners do regardless of their sex in the modern society. However, Mr. Mathews idea must be an unusual surprise. The outcome of their marriage life isn’t written in the story. So we’re only able to imagine if Mr. Mathews suggestion would work well for them. It might be a tough challenge in the time, or might successfully work. In any case, I believe his is the novel approach and respectful thought toward what she does is the very factor of Utopia which actually means the progress of a woman’s right.
On the other hand, in the Yellow Wall Paper, Mr. John’s attitude toward his wife is oppressive about her self-expression, although he really loves her and worries about her as both positions of a husband and a doctor. We could read that he never intended to hurt her from the context. However, I think he doesn’t see her as an person rather as his possession. So she should not have any duties and also any rights. I believe human beings construct their identity and the meaning of their existence through interaction with others in the society or express themselves freely. What if your freedom of expression and exchanges with others are taken away because you are supposed to be an obedient wife and exist as just an accessory to your husband. Nervous breakdown could occur at any moment like it happened to John’s wife.


Inexorably:adv: not to be persuaded, moved, or stopped.

From: “Women and Economics”: “Under all the influence of his later and wider life, all the reactive effect of social institutions, the individual is still inexorably modified by his means of livelihood: “the hand of the dyer is subdued to what he works in.” (paragraph 5)

I understand that even after all the reactive effect of social institutions the individual is not persuaded by his means of securing the necessities of life.


At the end of the paragraph, it really looks scary, “what was left of him, rotted beneath what was left of the nightshirt, had become inextricable from the bed in which he lay; and upon him upon the pillow beside him lay that even coating of the patient and biding dust”.

Miss Emily was aggressive in nature and possessive too. She want him by her side forever. she fulfilled her wishes and stayed stick to her principle. She seems worst than an animal. when we see kittens die in-front of their mother, they abandon the kitten after become maudlin for few days.

“See Colonel Sartoris. I have no taxes in Jefferson.” (para 12) Miss Emily think that she is still in the days of Mayor Colonel Sartoris. It shows either she is mentally retarded  or still in   eccentric state.

She wanted no one to interfere so she didn’t allow the mailing box to be attache at the door. And her behavior was alienating that all the town gave up on her. The town could not bear the smell and Judge Stevens could not accuse Miss Emily for smelling bad. Who would have thought that someone was poisoned inside her house.

In this story, it is third-person limited narrator.  Miss Emily is a flat character, it reached the climax when town members sprinkled lime in the building. it has visual imagery and olfactory imagery.