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LiveWell Session 3

Making sure I keep up with my HEALTHY EATING – Lots of  fruit, veggies and water!

LiveWell, session 3

I am still on  the active and maintanance stages after 3d session. I just was  a  little less confident to exercise if I am tired or do not have.However, the  advices given about  what to do at this situations, like doing crunches, push-ups or stretching, were exactly the same like I do usually. My eating habits got a little worse since the  last session, but I do not worry, because I know the reason. When I am in stress, I eat a lot and unhealthy. When  the last stressful weeks of the semestr  finish, I will start eat healthy again. It happen with me repeatedly while I am in school.

Live Well Session 3

I am on contemplation for all three categories. This makes sense because with the schedule I have, I don’t have much time to do anything. For exercise and stress management, I plan on doing more once classes end. For eating, I’m still trying to eat healthier and trying to incorporate more fruits into my diet.

Live Well 3

Keeping on the same track so far. All my phases are in action at this point. With school, part time work and trying to keep up with social life it’s been difficult to stick to a routine. I now have a clearer understanding of prioritizing what’s most important ‘in the now’ and get those task done, rather than procrastinating. Additionally, this process has helped me think about life in the perspective of being financially, physically and mentally free without the need of others approval. It’s important to note that you come first then if possible can you help others along the way.

livewell session 3

By completing livewell course steps i have been informative about physical and mental health. I emphasize that i will maintain my exercise and getting healthy food in my rest of life. I also learn about stress release technique which makes my face smiley and makes my soul cool and calm. I strongly recommend all my friends and followers to do this online course

Live Well Level 3

I am very grateful for living well. Level  3 is awsome. I enjoy the challenge and I   feel more healthier.   I have change what I have  for lunch. My lunch consist of a fruit, mixed nuts and or Passover  matzos  with peanut butter. Oh yeah and plenty  of water to  drink, after eating two to three matzos with peanut butter water is a  “necessity” for me.

LiveWell Session 2

I fell back on my gym routine, I got caught up with my school work and work. I did decide to be a little bit more healthier with my diet and taking steps and walking. I dont feel as great as when I was working out regularly but its one of the areas I need to figure out with time management and staying active and less stressed.


Live Well Session 3

I decided to try the gluten free lifestyle choice that has been a recent craze. The supermarket that I usually go to has a gluten free aisle so I picked up a few things and so far so good. I did have the bread this morning and it tastes horrible; but I guess its trial and error when discovering new things

Live Well Session 3

As we move on to Live Well session three, I continue my exercise and diet going on to month five now. My fruit smoothies during the morning, protein bars and fruits for snacks at work, sandwiches with no added fatty ingredients and a sensible dinner. Improvements are noticeable, and stress levels have been minimal. I intend on continuing my diet and workout plan hopefully for the rest of my life.