Category Archives: Active Minds

Active Minds

Active Minds was founded by Alison Malmon shortly after her older brother Brian, college senior, committed suicide. Active Minds is “trying to change conversation about mental health”.  I think that Active Minds campus chapters should be in every college. Students need support and they need to know that they are not alone when dealing with mental health problems. Couple years ago my friend was very depressed. She was feeling helpless and thought that there is no way out from her situation. She went to see psychologist at the college wellness center. In the middle of conversation when she was crying and explaining to him what’s going on in her life, someone knocked at the door and entered his cabinet. Psychologist told this person: “We are almost done here, just wait outside”. My friend immediately stood up, said “thank you” and left. No need to say that she felt rejected and got depressed even more. I am very glad that my friend found strength to go through this difficult time in her life without doing any harm to herself.

Active Minds

It’s amazing when people really don’t believe that one person can make a difference when they can. Alison Malmon really took a bad experience in her life and made her pain her fuel. She drove deeper into what really occurred as opposed to taking it the head and heart and possibly even being hard on herself for it. She took the positive out of it and made sure she made the world a better place as best as she could with what she knew. It is so important for us to speak to each other and those who care for us. We may think we are alone but we aren’t. There are people all around us living through the silence the way we are. Conversations starting may cancel the silence. It’s important to stay socially active and keep our minds intertwined with those around us.

Active Minds

Great organization that Alison Malmon founded for college students to express their feelings and can relate to other students that might be going through the same thing they’re dealing with. Working as a Mental Health Counselor at ICL- Institute for Community Living that housed clients with Axis 1 diagnosis, most with schizoaffective adults is very challenging to see and having to deal with clients living with this illness is disheartening.

This outlet will give students the support they seek and need and also encourage them on a daily basis to try their best, to not give up and if their having a not so good day they can come here for support and be encourage , also know they are not going through this alone. All the daily stressors of school and dealing with their illness can be over whelming and having the necessary tools to handle those stresses is important and vital to their coping and well being. Great organization, Great outlet.

Abiola Small

Active Minds Post

I think it’s great what this organization is doing. I didn’t know that there are so many students that are so stressed while attending school to the point where they want to end their lives. Active minds provides a lot of support to people to who need it. They make you aware of general health information for individuals and families together. They also provide some financial support which is great. They are really striving to educate people about mental health problems and how to find solutions to those problems. They provide so much information and help for someone who is in need.

live well is a good program for college students especially the ones that have family and a full-time job.  it is not easy to deal with especially the students who intends to major in sciences.  College students need somewhere to express their feelings or a program that can help them the better way to manage their stress and break their bad habits.  After the fist section, i am on contemplation stage, I planning to make so drastic change, the first thing no more candy and I will try to take the stairs more often.

Active Minds

Active Minds is a non-profit organization that recognizes mental illnesses. It’s creator, Alison Malmon, established the organization following the suicide of her brother who suffered from a mental illness in silence. Active Minds has become an advocate for mental illness for young adults all across the nation. It provides useful tools such as a complete page of mental health resources and a National Suicide Prevention Hotline for those severely suffering and in need of immediate help. For those who want to contribute to the cause, it offers volunteer opportunities, internships and careers with the organization. Active Minds seems like a great idea where young adults can gain support and not feel alone. It provides resources that they can access, especially if they are suffering in silence. College students face some of the toughest times dealing with the stresses of classes, relationships, future plans and much more. An organization like Active Minds serves as a good support system. It’s also good for families to gain information if they suspect someone is struggling.

Active mind

Active mind is a non profitable organization which is founded by Alison Malmon. It is an organization which is work for mental health development of youth and teen who has suffered from depression. First of all its name was Open mind then it renamed Active Minds Inc. on 2003 and getting more popularity among the youth. There are  400 college & university grounds chapter and so many young adults are benefiting from the Active Minds model.

Active minds mainly work by making networking among the students , they get help from chapter resources , e-newsletter, summits , student advisory committee and so on. Student mental health is a great issue for their success in life , grades and making personality. sometimes students intend to do suicide and Active Mind help them to recover and prevent them from their mental illness. If someone really need a help he / she can visit and get the opportunity and make the world healthy and wealthy.

Active Minds

Active mind is a nonprofit organization devoted to educating about mental health awareness among college students. Mental health is a very interesting topic but at the same time is difficult to deal with when someone very close is having difficulties coping with a mental health problem. Active mind promotes mental health awareness and makes people realize that there is nothing wrong about helping a friend who you are concerned about.  Friends are often the ones who first notice that something is making you unhappy. For this reason I think it is very nice to have an organization that focuses on educating students about mental health services availability and how they can take advantage of these services.

Active minds

After  visiting the Active Minds website, I learned that Active Minds is a non profit organization that helps educate students in college about mental illnesses. Specifically mental illness that derive from the stressful workload of the college life style. The organization is to inform students, but also to provide support for those who might be suffering from the stressful weight of college and life. Students can greatly benefit from this organization to either help them selves or to help others!

ActiveMind Organization

As a part of assignment, I researched about the active-mind organization. It is great that it helps students with mental health illness which prevent suicide attempt. Allison founded of this non-profit Organization after her older brother Committed suicide. Alison Malmon wanted to helps student with the stigma of mental illness and encourage them to seek it early. So, they can prevent future tragedies like the one that took her brother’s life. Active mind states that 80-90% of college student who committed suicide were not receiving any counseling. So Active mind want filled the gap between student and Counselling.