In 2018 COMD became CUNY’s first BFA program in Communication Design. To support this change, and better align illustration offerings with the degree model, I have collaborated on retooling our existing curriculum with Professors Neugeboren and Giuliani.  The first group of these courses was approved by College Council and began classroom implementation in Fall 2019.

In 2022 as part of the Design Futures Committee, I completed a revision of COMD 3513 Narrative Illustration to better scaffold it within the BFA degree path.


  • COMD 3513 Narrative Illustration

Minor Course modification clarifying the course’s position within the BFA degree path. After its revision, this course clearly tracks as a design strategy course and better prepares students for the challenge of authoring their own sequential art narratives. This Minor Curriculum modification is slated to be reviewed by the College-wide Curriculum Committee in the Fall 2022 semester.


COMD_3513_Narrative Illustration_DW_SW.docx

COMD_Minor_MG_SGW_DW 2022


  • COMD 3613 Professional Practices for Creatives

I Revised COMD 3613 Advanced Illustration, now COMD 3613 Professional Practices for Creatives, to clarify its purpose and to better scaffold it within the BFA degree path. After its revision, this course tracks as a design strategy course and focuses on all aspects of business, ethics, and marketing key to launching a successful creative career.


COMD_3613_Professional Practices_SW.pdf


Proposal For Illustration Course Changes Presentation

Presentation: Notes on Illustration Course Changes for Faculty

NEW COURSES Spring 2019:

  • COMD 3533 Special Topics in Illustration

This advanced course encourages further exploration into the skills which allow illustrators to express themselves fluently in visual media. Students develop market-ready, competitive portfolio pieces. Rotating topics allow for in-depth study of subjects such as human anatomy, heads, hands, and human expression; animal anatomy and wildlife drawing; drawing the clothed figure. Traditional skills and techniques are taught with an emphasis placed on current applications in the field.

Role: Co-Author Prof. Neugenborn

Approved by the College-wide Curriculum Committee, SP19, and was launched in FA20


17_09.COMDCurriculumModification_02-16-18.pdf, Pgs 35-56

  • COMD 3633 Advanced Strategies in Illustration

In this course, students learn strategies for creating finished, professional-quality illustrations based on a rotating series of topics relevant to the business of being a contemporary professional illustrator. Topics and strategies include digital concept art (production art, card art, genre, etc.), children’s book illustrations (research, pitch, marketing, layout, etc.), and editorial. Projects will be completed using an array of digital and traditional media.

Role: Co-Author with Prof. Neugenborn

Approved by the College-wide Curriculum Committee, SP19, and was launched in FA19


17_09.COMDCurriculumModification_02-16-18.pdf, Pgs 35-56


  • COMD 3313 Introduction to Illustration

Revised Syllabi and Course Description for COMD 3313 (formerly 2313) from a two-credit to 3 credit model.

  • COMD 1103 Foundational Drawing

Revised Syllabi and Course Description for COMD 1103 Foundations, Drawing from a two-credit to 3 credit model.

  • COMD 3613 Advanced Illustration

Revised Syllabi and Course Descriptions for COMD 3613 Advanced Illustration.

  • COMD 3513 Narrative Illustration

Revised Syllabi and Course Descriptions for COMD 3513 Narrative Illustration.

Documentation: 17_07.RevisedCourseOutlines.pdf