COMD Bootcamp Presentation on Online Pedagogy, January 21
Description: In an effort to fully explore the pros and cons of creating and implementing an online curriculum. I was invited to share my experiences teaching in and creating content for purely asynchronous learning platforms. The goal was to foster conversation on the pedagogical direction the department wished to move in the future.
Documentation: Presentation
School of Tech & Design Faculty Development Town Hall, FA 21
Description: Invited as a panelist by Faculty Commons for The School of Tech and Design’s town ha l & professional development workshop. I shared pedagogical best practices to combat cheating and plagiarism, emphasizing project-based learning and establishing a class culture that rewards originality.
Documentation:17_13.Tech&DesignTownHa l_FA2021.pdf
Faculty Commons Online Faculty Development Workshop: “The First Day of Class,” FA 21
Description: Invited as a panelist by Faculty Commons for The First Day of Class” professional development workshop. I shared pedagogical best practices to promote student engagement, form relationships, and build a class culture in a distance learning model.
Documentation:17_12. Thank You Letter First Day of Class
First-Year Faculty Seminar, SP 18
Invited Panelist by PDAC New Faculty Orientation Committee. Served as a panelist to share your teaching, scholarship, and service journey experiences with first-year faculty.
Documentation:NEW FACULTY WORKSHOP_2018.pdf
L4: Living Lab Learning Library 2018: Invited to contribute course materials to a virtual resource exchange of teaching practices.
Documentation:17_08.L4_Sara Woolley.pdf
Self Evaluation Workshop, SP 21
PARSE Workshop, SP 21
Teaching Portfolio Workshop, SP 21
Living Lab Learning Library Seminar SP 18
New Faculty Seminar January 17
Bridging the Gap Seminar FA 16