The Highlights Foundation
The Highlights Foundation positively impacts children by amplifying the voices of storytellers who inform, educate, and inspire children to become their best selves. The Highlights Foundation is the premier professional organization for creators of Children’s literature in the US and provides a range of support, from no-cost webinars to week-long residencies, to online intensives. In-person workshops and retreats are hosted at the retreat center in Pennsylvania. Highlights for Children inc. was founded on the belief that storytellers have a profound impact on the lives of children and therefore our world. (

The Highlights Foundation has offered its support to my scholar. They have offered me an Artist in Residency with full room and board for one more summer with the goal of enabling me to complete my graphic novel. The Highlights Foundation is the premier professional organization for creators of Children’s literature in the US. Highlights for Children Inc. was founded on the belief that storytellers have a profound impact on the lives of children and, therefore, our world. Through my connection with the organization, this summer, I will be joined on campus by three Citytech interns who will be working and living as a part of the incredible Highlights Community.