Date 11/16

  • Topic: Capstone design 2



Watch the video explaining experiential design.


  • What invention was impressed you in the video?
  • What design strategies did you presenter use to design his products?

In-class: Ideation & solution development

Report out

  • Split your group into two. Share your problem identification to other group members and collect feedback with circulating Rounds 1 & 2.
  • Rules
    • Grouping
      • A1: Micheal & Alex, A2: Esau & Jhorvi
      • B1: Raul & Richard, B2: Victor & Saralynn
      • C1: Lowman & Dennis, C2: Ronaldo & Islam
    • Each Round
      • Presenters present your problem identification in two minutes.
      • Collect feedback for three minutes.
    • Round 1 (5 minutes)
      • A1 -> B2, B1 -> C2, A2 -> C1
    • Round 2 (5 minutes)
      • C2 -> A1, B2 -> A2, C1 -> B1
    • After Round 2, go back to original group and share the feedbacks collected from Rounds 1 & 2.
    • All feedbacks and group discussion should be documented.


Brainstorming is one of the most widely known creative methods. This is a method for generating a large number of ideas, most of which will subsequently be discarded.  The role of the group leader in  a brainstorming session is to ensure that the format of the method is followed, and that it does not just degenerate into a round-table discussion. When brainstorming, group members must have a clear understanding of the problem statement which will not lead to vague ideas that is of no practical use.

  • The problem can often be usefully formulated as a question, such as “How can we improve on X?” In brainstorming there are certain roles that must be followed by all group members.
  • No criticism is allowed during the session
  • A large quantity of ideas is wanted
  • Seemingly crazy ideas are quite welcome
  • Keep all ideas short and snappy
  • Try to combine and improve on the ideas of others.


Analogical thinking help us become a creative thinker. All we have an ability to see parallels or connections between apparently dissimilar topics. The use of analogical thinking has been formalized in a creative design method known as “synectics”. Synectics in a group activity in which criticism is ruled out, and the group members attempt to build, combine and develop ideas towards a creative solution to the set problem. There are several techniques can be used in Synectics.

Direct analogies

usually found by seeking a biological solution to a similar problem. Velcro fastening is one example of this approach.

Personal analogies

The team members question what it would be like to use oneself as the system or component that is being designed. You can use these questions: What would it feel like to be a smartphone? How would I operate if I were a CAD software. I would I feel if I were a  Siri, virtual assistant?

Symbolic analogies

We can use poetic metaphors and Emojis to relate the aspects of the thing being designed.


Design Heuristics

  • Developed by a design research group to inspire design ideas.
  • Facilitate creative ideation through design analogy using specially created analogy cards.
  • How to use
    • Bring your design idea
    • Shuffle the cards, then draw one.
    • If the card looks like to be associated with your design idea, then find the back side of the card.
    • If not, draw one another.

Experiential Design

Experiential design is an design approach that is designing products and services of shaping the customer experience. Whenever someone interacts with your product or service, he or she forms an impression. Good experiential design influences this impression. Experiential design pays attention to what customers see, think, and feel when they encounter your product or service. Every single customer touch point influences the way consumers feel about what you’re offering.  Karla Gutierrez presented characteristics of experiential design.

  • It is a holistic, interdisciplinary approach.
  • Built around principles and practices that expressly ensure that the learning journey is enjoyable, engaging, relevant, and informative.
  • It focuses on both content and user experience.
  • Experiential learning is at the heart of Experiential Design.
  • It takes a human-centered approach. You have to understand your audience and their unique needs before you design the course.
  • Experiential Design takes into account the realities of learners including the environment where they are learning.

Your assignments

  • Idea Exploration (100 pts)
  • Describes multiple aspects of design solutions based on your group ideations and research.
  • On the template, Ideations, Design Strategy, Division of tasks among team members (if needed), time line showing dependencies and major testable milestone.
  • Due 11/25

