• What is Engineering Design Process?
    What is Engineering Design Process? Why are there so many design process models? The research trend on the engineering design process has changed depending on the perspective of engineering. In the middle of the 20th century, research on engineering design process conducted in terms of applied science. Since the 1980s, some researchers viewed engineering as… Read more: What is Engineering Design Process?
  • Engineering Design Process and Pedagogy
    These K-12 engineering and technology education design process models have similar structures and procedures (Katehi, Pearson, & Feder, 2009). The table below compared the design process models developed for K-12 engineering and technology education. Some models explicitly note that the design process can vary depending on the grade and the subject. Design processes for young… Read more: Engineering Design Process and Pedagogy
  • The Engineering Design Process in K-12 Education
    Various engineering education programs have been developed for K-12 students, and most of the programs have adopted engineering design as the primary teaching and learning method. The Infinity Project (http://www.infinity-project.org) was started in 1999 by Southern Methodist University’s Lyle School of Engineering and Texas Instruments. The project partnered with the U.S. Department of Education, the… Read more: The Engineering Design Process in K-12 Education
  • Types of Engineering Design Process Models
    The different goal of the design process yielded different approaches. Cross (2000) presented various design process models by its purposes, including descriptive, prescriptive, and interactive models. The descriptive models are based on the solution-focused nature of the design process. The purpose of the models is to identify the significance of generating a solution concept. These… Read more: Types of Engineering Design Process Models
  • Nature of Engineering Design
    Often people call engineering as one discipline, but it consists of multiple sub-majors, and the each major has distinct characteristic natures. Ethnologists Latour and Woolgar (1986) described engineering tasks as follows: “One area of the laboratory contains various items, apparatus (section A), while the other contains only books, dictionaries, and papers (section B)” (p. 45).… Read more: Nature of Engineering Design
  • What is Engineering Design?
    In the field of engineering, design has a special meaning. Engineers design to solve problems using a systematic and intelligent processes. This process is called engineering design. Dym et al. (2005) noted: “Engineering design is a systematic, intelligent process in which designers generate, evaluate, and specify concepts for devices, systems, or processes whose form and… Read more: What is Engineering Design?
  • What is Design?
    Hales and Gooch (2004) noted, “Design is something that we all do one way or another, and we all think we could have designed things better” (p. 4). The term design is used as a verb for making or planning something and as a noun for a plan or product. ITEA/ITEEA (2000/2003/2007) used the term… Read more: What is Design?
  • What is Engineering?
    The term engineering is derived from the classical Latin ingenero, which means to implant, generate, or produce something (Feinberg, 1967). It is not clear when people started using the concept of engineering, but the Oxford English Dictionary (n.d.) describes the origin of the term engineer as “denoting a designer and constructor of fortifications and weapons.”… Read more: What is Engineering?