a) Mathematics teacher education advanced methods: an example in dynamic geometry by Ghislanine Gueudet.
b) This article is all about the importance of proper training. Teachers are trained in many different areas but when it comes to technology, the training is weak and teachers at times do not grasp the idea. This article talks about a program called pairform@nce that is used during training that helps train teachers on how to implement technology in their classrooms properly. In this training, teachers work together and follow three principles to successfully implement technology in math classrooms.
c) How does proper teacher training improve lessons in the classroom?
Training sessions are filled with a bunch of information at one time. There are many different situations teacher can be put in in terms of technology in the class. What program do I use? Can I use it? How does this relate to my lesson plan? DEG was then developed to create a better way to help teachers have access to free technological software where students can directly manipulate, conjecture, test and prove using inquiry. Teachers work with their colleagues to create, implement and reflect on their work. This was created from one formula, Document = Resources + Scheme of utilization (integration of practice and knowledge). What you create is based on what you have and how you integrate it in your class with the students.
d)What was the biggest change the old way of training as compared to the articles way of training?
Three Principles
* The Reflexive Investigation Principle : understanding long-term processes as documental (recording logs, gathering information over time.)
*The Design-In-Use Principle :Resources evolve, you must constantly evolve with it.
*The Collective Principle : listen and explore the views of your colleagues as well.
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