After completing the first project for ADV1100 I’m more excited for future projects. This first project was very interesting. The hardest part was honestly making the outlines for the boxes for both the inked thumbnails and the cut outs. Next to that would be cutting with the x acto knife. If I could go back I would probably use scissors more than I did the x acto knife just to make my work a little neater. Seeing the process of the entire project was really interesting to me. To see how not only my work, but how the entire class went from sketches to eliminating those into 6 inked thumbnails. Then eliminating 2 of the inked thumbnails into 4 big paper cut outs. Seeing the process on everyone e-portfolio’s was cool. The critique in class went very well. I like how much feedback each classmate gave to their peers. All of the feedback could be used to keep in mind to help for future projects. I learned a lot about ambiguous and stable figures which I know will be very helpful in the future. Overall I probably spent about 5 hours on the project in total. The sketches in the very beginning took about 30 minutes. Making the outline for the inked thumbnails took an hour! It got a little annoying to get the outline right but it was definitely worth it! The drawing and inking took me about another hour. After that making the outline for the paper cut outs once again took an hour, I guess I still wasn’t used to it! Then drawing, cutting, and gluing the papers took about an hour and a half. It was really worth it to spend this much time on the project though. The more time the better it might turn out to be too! This project was very fun and interesting and I’m excited for the future projects!
Category Archives: ADV1100 Project #1
View From My Window: Cut Paper
Inked Thumbnails
View From My Window: Research
As I look out of my window the main thing anyone would notice is my neighbors house. From the view of the side of their house through my window, I can see one side of the slanted triangular roof. On the roof I can also see the chimney and a satellite. The roof is a gray color while the side of the house is a very light pink siding. I can also see three windows of their house. I can also see a short brick wall that separates the neighbors yard from mine. It’s not really a wall, but it’s also not really a gate. It’s probably just 3 feet tall. It can be easily jumped over. Being that the view from my window is the side of my neighbors house, I have a view of their drive way which has a cement ground. I can occasionally see either one of their cars or the cars of their children who are grown adults.
Moving away from my neighbors house, in the background I can see a huge pine cone tree. It’s in the yard next to my neighbors. That tree has been there since my family and I moved into this house, and I moved here when I was about 2 or 3! It has been there for ages. In the evening the sunset looks amazing with the tree in the picture. That’s pretty much all I see out of my window. It’s not really anything that changes everyday other than seeing a car in my neighbors driveway or it being empty. I can occasionally see a cat or squirrel walking along the brick wall, but that’s about it. I get the feeling that there’s a lot left to explore in the world outside of my window and there definitely is!