View From My Window: Research

As I look out of my window the main thing anyone would notice is my neighbors house. From the view of the side of their house through my window, I can see one side of the slanted triangular roof. On the roof I can also see the chimney and a satellite. The roof is a gray color while the side of the house is a very light pink siding. I can also see three windows of their house. I can also see a short brick wall that separates the neighbors yard from mine. It’s not really a wall, but it’s also not really a gate. It’s probably just 3 feet tall. It can be easily jumped over. Being that the view from my window is the side of my neighbors house, I have a view of their drive way which has a cement ground. I can occasionally see either one of their cars or the cars of their children who are grown adults.


Moving away from my neighbors house, in the background I can see a huge pine cone tree. It’s in the yard next to my neighbors. That tree has been there since my family and I moved into this house, and I moved here when I was about 2 or 3! It has been there for ages. In the evening the sunset looks amazing with the tree in the picture. That’s pretty much all I see out of my window. It’s not really anything that changes everyday other than seeing a car in my neighbors driveway or it being empty. I can occasionally see a cat or squirrel walking along the brick wall, but that’s about it. I get the feeling that there’s a lot left to explore in the world outside of my window and there definitely is!

One thought on “View From My Window: Research”

  1. I think you did really well describing what you can see outside your window, but giving feedback based on the guidelines, I think you should talk more on the specific lines and shapes you can see.

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