With: Leticia Donkor
Status: Closed
Today’s Session: 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Location: Online via Skype
Skype Name: live:donkorleticia5
With: Leticia Donkor
Status: Closed
Today’s Session: 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Location: Online via Skype
Skype Name: live:donkorleticia5
Status: closed
Current section information: 1-4pm
On Zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us05web.zoom.us/j/5586176461?pwd=K2J5WFN2cmRzU1ZpSGdua0RGK210QT09Meeting ID: 558 617 6461
Passcode: 72SdGsPrimary emails: kevinho9148.kh@gmail.com
Feel free to email any questions regarding for EET1222 and EET 1122.
With: Leticia Donkor
Status: Open
Today’s Session: 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Location: Online via Skype
Skype Name: live:donkorleticia5
CMCE Peer Advisement 12:30PM -3:30PM (11/16/2022) [CLOSED]
Tutor: Hong Hui Zhu
Tutoring Sessions: Wed 12PM – 3PM (On-Campus) & Fri 12PM – 3PM (Virtual)
Subjects: CMCE 1115, CMCE 1215, CMCE 2351
On-Campus in V217
Feel free to email me for help and questions. Please include class subject, textbook or picture of questions.
With: Touheda Khanom
Status: Closed
Session Information: Wednesday [ 12 PM – 3 PM ] via Zoom & Thursday [ 11 AM – 2 PM ] —>room V217
Zoom Meetings:
Feel free to post any questions as comments to this post or contact me at my city tech email Touheda.Khanom@mail.citytech.cuny.edu (When you send me an email please send me your EMPLID and a picture of whatever you want to work on.)
MET Peer Advisement (11/16/22) Wednesday 11am-2pm:CLOSED
Status: open
Current section information: 1-4pm
On Zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us05web.zoom.us/j/5586176461?pwd=K2J5WFN2cmRzU1ZpSGdua0RGK210QT09Meeting ID: 558 617 6461
Passcode: 72SdGsPrimary emails: kevinho9148.kh@gmail.com
Feel free to email any questions regarding for EET1222 and EET 1122.
CMCE Peer Advisement 12:30PM -3:30PM (11/16/2022) [OPEN]
Tutor: Hong Hui Zhu
Tutoring Sessions: Wed 12PM – 3PM (On-Campus) & Fri 12PM – 3PM (Virtual)
Subjects: CMCE 1115, CMCE 1215, CMCE 2351
On-Campus in V217
Feel free to email me for help and questions. Please include class subject, textbook or picture of questions.
With: Touheda Khanom
Status: Open
Session Information: Wednesday [ 12 PM – 3 PM ] via Zoom & Thursday [ 11 AM – 2 PM ] —>room V217
Zoom Meetings:
Feel free to post any questions as comments to this post or contact me at my city tech email Touheda.Khanom@mail.citytech.cuny.edu (When you send me an email please send me your EMPLID and a picture of whatever you want to work on.)
With: Brian Rosendo
Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 838 236 9559
Passcode: METBR
Time: 11am-2pm (OPEN)
If you have any questions please email me at : brianrosendo94@gmail.com