Prof. Jessica Penner | OL02 | Spring 2021

Benson Huang, Jones Critique

While reading Jones work I can really enjoy the word choice that he used to help describe everything. Being told in the first person it really help me visualize everything that is being described. If I told the same story it would probably be a page long. I have no questions for Jones.


  1. Will

    The diction used throughout Jones work was good. It wasn’t overly complicated to the point that you’d need a dictionary to get the idea the author was trying to express.

  2. Fnu Janvi

    I agree with you that the first-person point of view is well described in the story. Because I think it is also more accurate if you are telling a story and also it the best way to connect with the audience.

  3. Christopher

    I agree I also enjoyed the word choice that the author used because as you said it helped describe everything and visualize

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