Prof. Jessica Penner | OL02 | Spring 2021

Nelson Tavarez, Gurba Critique

I liked that she let out all this negativity without worrying about the fact that people would look at her differently. I find that people try not to be negative about a lot of things, but sometimes I find it fine. Being positive always felt like too much. She took a different approach and came after everything. She made sure not to leave a single detail out. I liked that she didn’t care about the money but her opinion. She valued her voice over paying the bills. Money wasn’t going to shut her up, and she had more to offer. Do you go about all your reviews the same way?
Was this just a bad day or do you feel like this about everything or most things?


  1. DeAndre Badresingh

    I totally agree with you because if you feel strongly about an issue, no amount of money or bribe should change your point of view.

  2. Moose

    I agree with you on Gurba letting out all her negativity to express her emotions in a way that it can get to people quickly. I enjoyed how she informs people to understand culture before assuming and forming stereotypes.

  3. Jordan Bailey

    Yep, she clearly was going all in with this piece and not caring what anyone will thing of her for expressing her self like this. I agree with you.

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